The Local and European Elections 2019 Hub

It’s the exact same logic as you’re advancing

If you’re anti-EU you shouldn’t be standing for the European Parliament

That’s not my logic

It’s your logic

Yet you don’t even get your own logic

Ni Riada looks fucked here if the Labour transfers go towards O’Sullivan. Doyle’s Elimination will more or less push Clune far enough ahead to be safe and then Byrne being eliminated will elect Wallace. Can’t see Byrne transfers going to Ni Riada. If they don’t she’ll be sitting in last place when it’s all over.

no its not my logic, youre the one whos introduced the EU to this bun fight.

ill ask again, when was the referendum on abolishing the EU?

Delighted Saoirse McHugh has been destroyed.

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Wow, you’re taking a new and even crazier and more laughable line of argument than even I expected

Individual countries can’t have referendums on abolishing supra-national organisations, mate

Ireland can’t have a referendum on abolishing the UN

ORiordain is a cunt


again, just highlighting the utterly non sequitur ness of your preposterous analogy between the Seanad abolition referendum and the eu sceptics taking EU seats.

anyhoo, just for funsies here’s a couple of quotes from amadan

Ó Ríordáin told Newstalk that he was ”not going to kick around the Seanad for five years” and would leave politics if he lost his seat.

In January 2013, Ó Ríordáin said he believed it was not possible to reform “a discredited Seanad chamber”

‘I’m not going to lie to people, I’d much rather be in the Dáil’

Young McHugh has been eliminated. Ming will surely get enough transfers from her to close out the second seat. Carthy and Walsh should get the third and fourth seats but Sinn Fein are so transfer repellent that anything is possible.

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Are we any nearer to finishing this election up? We are the only ones in Europe that haven’t it sorted

oh I know, but sid thinks hes better than sliced bread

Carthy should scrape in.

Ah, lovely…

You haven’t dealt with your ridiculous logic

So what if O’Riordain said something years ago

People change their minds and are well entitled to do so

The Seanad is a national political forum - the retention of which was voted for by democratic referendum - of course he’s going to want to make his voice heard in any way he can - so would anybody else

Now, deal with your laughable logic

If somebody is anti-EU - according to your logic, how can they stand for the European Parliament?

Like, how can Nigel Farridge stand for it?

He wants Britain out of the EU

He turns up once a month to make a stage angry speech which he hopes will go viral on the internet - now that’s a real snout at the trough

How, according to your logic, can any anti-EU candidate stand for the European Parliament?

It’s the exact same logic as you have put forward as regards O’Riordain



Who would have guessed that a backward Clare roaster would be totally out of touch with what people in Ireland think :joy:

Everybody :joy:

Hopping like a sausage in a pan :joy:

I share your views on a lot of things. But not some things. I hope that helps.

Ming says this has been done and dusted since yesterday based on tallies and what not.


He’s been feuding with various journalists online about it.

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He has been selected for Dublin Rathdown. He will get in imo. Previously Madigan looked unstoppable and that the seat would come from Ross or Martin. The Greens should hold that seat handy enough now so think Richmond could take Madigan’s (the Bailey stuff could cost her) or Ross’s. Hopefully Ross goes.

Ming was spot on about Rabbitte’s transfers and that they wouldn’t go to Casey - a lot of people assumed she would give Casey a good distribution but it didn’t happen at all

oh dear sid, take a lie down, or as adohan would a climbdown.

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