The Local and European Elections 2019 Hub

As she only got coverage late in the race she still remains a bit of an unknown so I wouldn’t be overhyping her yet. If she is competent and principled she should do fine and may do some good for the country. Well you’d hope she would as politicians of that ilk are few and far between in Ireland. Many’s the politician that burst on to the public sphere talking the talk only for them to show their true colours/incompetence and self preservation instincts as time goes by.

But that’s also the case with pretty much all so called right wing “populists”.

Trump most obviously, but also the Brexiteers and the Le Pens, Salvinis and Bolsonaros of this world.

I don’t think Casey is a fool. I think he’s a charlatan he plays up his stupidity because he thinks it will play well in terms of getting votes.

It also means coverage. Stupidity generates coverage.

The Green Party play to idealism and a hopeful view of the world. I find it funny how “idealism” is one of these words that is denigrated by so many people. We need more idealism in politics - way, way more of it.

I think you are giving him too much credit

You’re overthinking it. His profile has been completely driven by the media and online "pundits’ as his uninformed opinions create clicks and sells papers. Theres load of talking heading lining up then to counter him ( read boost their own profile).

That’s exactly why he plays the fool

Stupidity sells, especially in the age of the INTERNET

It’s how all opportunist snake oil salespeople boost their profile - by saying stupid, incendiary things which appeal to base prejudice - they know there is a market in appealing to stupidity and base prejudice

It’s how Nigel Farage gained a profile

A few months back nobody had heard of Mark Francois - that all changed when he started mentioning the war in his interviews

I happen to think Francois is a genuine fool but he knew he’d raise his profile and support by playing on that - he was right

Fascism is deliberately disruptive and dispenses with accepted truths and attempts to create a parallel, dystopian world - it is a double bind for people who inhabit the reality-based universe - if you platform or even counter bigotry and stupidity you tacitly legitimise it - if you ignore it or make fun of it, that doesn’t work either, and just feeds into the circle of anger and stupidity that fascism thrives on

That’s the case today and it was in the 1920s and 1930s too

History has shown fascism generally has to completely discredit itself via a catastrophe for it to lose mass support

Thankfully it has never had that mass support in Ireland and hopefully never will - but there are loads of people on this forum who would be right there cheerleading it if it ever did get mass support

I was amused reading @artfoley and @sidney duking it out over Aodhàn. While i think Aodhàn is actually principled and idealistic (tipped up here as next leader @ 14s) I think he’s a bit too much so. He needs a dose of realism too. And he has the marmite problem that Kelly has as illustrated by the lads. Ged Nash is the future lads.

id actually have a bit of time for nash

What do you think Peter Casey’s end goal is here?

Idealism is the new realism

Without idealism, big problems can never be solved

Every advancement in human rights and social provision was won by idealists whose views became the mainstream

Aodhan is authentic in that regard

So called “electability” is bollocks

“Electability” is a PR and focus group idea which turns out bland candidates with no ideas

It’s why every time the Democrats pick a so called “electable” candidate for president in the US, they lose, while the “unelectable” candidates tend to win

“Electability” is Joe Biden, who stands for nothing

Authenticity is the real electability

i always mix Aodhan and Eamon Ryan up.

End statement.

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I didn’t mention electability. You’ve just decided to have a rant about it. I don’t think he’s the best leader for Labour.

To become Ireland’s Trump

To turn Irish politics into a total farce where crazy ideas and total idiocy become the mainstream

To feed his own ego, and make his own ego, his pied piper nature and his own immoralism and shamelessness the vehicle for doing that

Fascism has never had a positive vision for society - and Casey certainly has none

He isn’t going to achieve any of this or come close to achieving it

But this was and is his goal - he’s no different to any fascist in that regard

What is the end goal of the Brexiteers? It’s the same - and they are achieving it - the chaos in Britain now is the entirely logical outcome of this stuff

You didn’t use the specific word “electability” but that was clearly what you meant - your use of the word “Marmite” and reference that you don’t think he would be the best leader for Labour make it obvious

You mentioned Nash as leader (again you didn’t use the word “leader” specifically but that’s obviously what you meant)

Nash was elected in 2011 and so has been around Irish politics for a good while now

Yet nobody knows who he is or what he stands for

I imagine the reason you mentioned Nash is because you think he will offend less people - but that isn’t how you win - especially in a party which now finds itself as marginalised as Labour

People know who O’Riordain is and what he stands for

Labour doesn’t need an empty vessel - it needs somebody to stand for something, and argue passionately and unapologetically for it

O’Riordain is the best Labour have by a mile in that regard

Nunan and Doyle eliminated in Ireland South. 67k votes to be distributed. This is the key moment of the count.

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You must be the richest man alive so?

How long is it now since the micks voted? :smile:

Stupidity and inability to debate is your calling card, pal, whereas intelligence and willingness to debate is mine

You’re an empty vessel

The proof is in the number of simpletons who like your stupid posts

Birds of a feather flock together and all that

Did anyone hear Mary Wilson’s interview with Pearse Doc yesterday evening on Drivetime?

Now call me an ex-Shinner bot, but the hostility was off the scales I felt. And this was from Mary Wilson who I’d consider less likely than many others in RTÉ to be hostile towards Sinn FĂ©in.

I expected him to be challenged and pressed on their poor performance but she was incredibly salty and snide. She took a right bitchy tone from the get go and wouldn’t let him develop any point. All the questions were leading as well.

“Welcome to Pearse Doherty who’s joining us from the Midlands North West count centre in Castlebar. Will Matt Carthy provide a ray of light in what you’ll surely agree has been a disastrous few days for Sinn FĂ©in?”

“I don’t have the numbers in front of me but how has Matt Carthy’s first preference vote held up compared to 2014?”

Doherty said he didn’t have 2014 numbers to hand but Carthy got 13% this time. Wilson, who apparently didn’t have the numbers, jumped in immediately in an enthusiastic “gotcha” kind of way to say that’s down from 17%/18% in 2014.

She then started saying “right right right” in a really haughty and dismissive way as he was speaking.

She asked him about lessons to learn and he said they needed to look at the areas where they did well and where they did poorly. He said with respect to the former they’d need to see what was it that resonated with voters and made them vote Sinn FĂ©in. She, of course, interrupted him then because she wanted the interview to go a different way.

There was a load of petty/pithy little interruptions before she cut him off mid sentence then.

Sinn FĂ©in have An Phoblacht but they need to set up their own TV and radio station.


An phoblacht is now a glossy mag sold in mainstream newsagents .

Probably a metaphor there .