The Local and European Elections 2019 Hub

A tentative nod to O’Sullivan from me. She seems a decent sort really whereas the NiRíada wan’ is an obnoxious harridan.


I think there’s also a bit of growing pains going on to be honest. They’ll be back. 2 things. They’d a shitload of people elected all over the country in the locals last time. Many with no idea of how to do the job of councillor. An old hand giving a bit of guidance would have been the world of good to many of them. As it stood, most of them were elected on a wave of goodwill for the party and didn’t have to do the hard yards or know what to do when they got in. aside from the important work of local councils (development plans, etc) the bread and butter of a local councillor in Ireland is still local reps and flagship projects(agitated for). I can only speak for Fingal but heard that SF reps were way below those of other parties per councillor. Basically, the SF echo chamber is as dangerous as anyone else’s.
Second. They got a mandate for change from a big percentage of the population in the GE. I don’t think people were all that impressed by the abdication of responsibility for the creation of the current government.

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Not sure of that and not according to the Department of the Environment


Reports that the next count will have O’Sullivan ahead of Ni Riada by 118 votes.

Stretch it out until the weekend.

Which weekend?


The only victory for Waterford next weekend

“How many people hate him” is code for “electability”. “Electability” is bollocks.

“Electability” means you neuter your own opinions because you fear people won’t like them.

But guess what, people actually like politicians who don’t neuter their opinions and they tend to vote for them.

When politicians neuter their opinions, they lose.

Positive, progressive populism is the way forward.

The Greens engage in positive populism and people like it. Corbyn’s election campaign showed people are crying out for it. AOC is a positive, progessive populist and she’s loved.

Yes man?

Unofficial tally has Grace 180 votes ahead of Ni Riadh after Kellehers surplus

So you didn’t check out anything about Nash and are doubling down on your AoR opinion cos it would be unthinkable to change your opinion. And you’re right anyway. God damnnit you know you are right.

And you’d like an argument about the meaning of certain words.

Fair enough. @Sidney Bingo Full House!

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I know what words mean and what they don’t mean and I know when somebody is being evasive and when they aren’t, pal.

Ged Nash is a decent guy but if you think Labour would go anywhere under his leadership you’re dreaming.

FULL Recount starts at 9AM in the morning after Ni Riadha request is granted. It finished with
3rd Wallace
4th Clune
5th and first Sub O’Sullivan
Ni Riadha was 327 votes behind Clune

The order may change when Ni Riadha’s votes are distributed

Barring the first post which you (possibly willfully) misconstrued, I can’t have been more clear and concise. I think Nash is better than AoR. Sure half of Ireland thought SF would be better off after Gerry finally left an look what happened. You can now return to being an Irish Jedi with regard to politics, as long as nobody actually questions what you say

A recount for 327 votes of a difference?

FFS sake.

The Plough and The Stars, The Plough and the Stars.


The newly discovered southern Shinners are a different ‘snowflake’ breed cc @anon61878697

You’ve been clear and concise in what you meant and then continually said you weren’t saying what it was blatantly obvious you were saying.

A perfect metaphor for your politics, really.

I was one of those who said Adams was asset, not a liability, and I also predicted O’Riordain would lose his seat last time while you predicted he would hold it comfortably.

Though I’m not the person in this exchange who is objecting to being questioned or behaving like a “Jedi”, so you can stop with the projection.

Fierce touchy, aren’t you.

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Hmmmmm. Once more. And I’ve no idea why I’m humouring you. I think Ged is a legend. The End. All the other bits are made up in your various brains.

End of, etc., etc

You mentioned “Jedi” but I’m beginning to think you’re Ged.

Maybe AOR is DART Vader.

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