Wish I saw that sooner. Have just stocked up on Estrella Galicia 6 large cans at 11e
I will visit fine wines tomorrow
Wish I saw that sooner. Have just stocked up on Estrella Galicia 6 large cans at 11e
I will visit fine wines tomorrow
The one in Roxboro has it in crates by the till to clear. It’s probably going out of date or something but unless it goes out of date before Monday it won’t be an issue for me and it wouldn’t be an issue anyway
Tipping away at a gin and tonic here. Actually guzzling would be a more accurate description.
Reckon the quinine in the tonic will see me through this crisis.
There’s still a few crates of it left as of a few minutes ago anyway mate. Although one less than before I landed
They should have called it Bruiser
Lads, ease up on the alcohol ffs.
Lads drinking on a Wednesday is very worrying. Thursday to Sunday inclusive is the only acceptable window for beers. Unless it’s a bank holiday Monday obviously.
One beer doesnt mean drinking - get a grip.
I had a drop of Jameson Caskmates on Tuesday night and I nearly felt guilty about it.
Where can Guinness Rye Pale Ale be procured? It’s lovely stuff. Haven’t seen it in Tesco or Supervalu lately.
Haven’t gotten it in a while but a Dunnes might be a good shout. They usually stocked it I think.
A lot of the ipas are too hoppy, some dark ales too malty, and many Belgian dubbels are a bit sweet for my refined
palate. This radical, imaginative and courageous move might well deserve to be called avant garde. It may even be a game changer.Stunned silence
Sure didn’t the Snakebite originate in the North? Like most Nordies you want it both ways so you’ll just water everything down and avoid choosing sides.
You’ll never make it as a gay beer brewer with that attitude
I find buying beers I actually like a help …but fair play on the innovation. You reckon perlenbacher and Guinness would work?
Have you ever tried a Pale Ale (non-Injun)?