The Magic of the 2017 FA Cup

Great stuff.

Delighted to have no Brits in our team.


English footballers are shit

Usual flip flopping from @Nembo_Kid. In his Spurs supporting days last season, developing home grown talent was supposedly what English sides should be focusing on. Here’s what he had to say about Chelsea as they were eliminated in the European Cup by Paris St Germain last season.

Euro 2016 told me English players were utterly worthless.

Does Wenger going with 3 at the back signify the first tactical changes he has introduced in about 8/9 years?

Criminal defending from Arsenal.

Aguero breaks the offside trap from 15 yards inside his own half.

Deary me.

3 in a row is on for The Specialist in Failure.

Trophyless first season for Pepsi.

Which 3 in a row is that?

Stunning victory for Coach Wenger.

Arsenal Fan TV will be shit this evening.


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I imagine @Nembo_Kid has completely overlooked the fact that Man U won the FA Cup last year and is referring back to Woolwich winning it in 2014 and 2015. He has a very poor grasp of facts.


It’s not like him to ignore a question when he’s been shown up, :grin:
A simple mini backtrack would have been nice to see but the poor cunt hasn’t an ounce of honour.

They’ve now won two games in succession, mate.

3IAR very much on.

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You are still hiding from applying your expectations of foreign managers to British managers. For a man defending Swansea’s right to sack Guidolin for gaining 4 points from 7 games, you are very quiet in calling for Sean Dyche to be sacked after obtaining 13 points from 15 league games and being knocked out of the cup by a non league side.

I don’t have to defend the right of Huw Jenkins or any of the Swansea City stakeholders to fire what they preceived to be an under performing employee. This is the United Kingdom (where the the rule of law applies), not fascism. The UK has some of the most employee friendly protections within their Employment Law code, that you will find anywhere in the world. I would imagine and expect that Swansea City adhered to Employment Law best practices in terminating Francesco Guidolin’s employment.

In my book, Sean Dyche is doing a marvellous job at Burnley. Quite possibly the Burnley board feel that too and don’t want to fire him. That is their prerogative. His mandate at the start of the season was to achieve survival in the top flight for the first time since 1974/75 and he’s possibly already achieved that with the 36 points garnered to date.

Please address the issue and stop giving us irrelevant waffle.

Why do you not apply your same standards to Sean Dyche and Paul Clement as you did to guys like Guidolin, Ranieri and Conte?

Coz he is a xenophobic west brit

I would agree, he is very reticent to engage the issue and tries to sidetrack us from the issue with long winded piffle.

Did he ever respond to you on Harry Kane, mate?

Bob Bradley relegated Swansea not Guidolin or Clement