The marriage difficulties and auld GAA lads from Craobh thread

I do not know how ye do it.


Experience informs you that you’ll never win these duels, all you can do is hope to hold your own and walk away with a bit of dignity.

Also worth letting day to day to stuff go and putting it in the memory bank instead so that you’ve a bit of ammunition for such encounters.


Its about time you set up a specific thread for all your terrible holiday location choices. You’ve set a bar that absolutely none of us ever want to get close to


Did you “go for a walk” afterwards?


Where are ye on holidays?

How much did you pay to leave your country mansion and move into a cramped tin can for a week?


From experience it’s best to get these blow outs out of the way early doors on holidays, you can relax then until next time🤣

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I was considering investing in a motorhome for my retirement and was discussing it recently with a pal of mine who used to deal in them.

He pointed out the pitfall of a row with the Mrs when you’re cooped up in one of them and have nowhere else to go. I’m having second thoughts.

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She’d hardly murder you at this stage?

Go for it.

Although, you probably should rent one first to just test it out.

A wife?


Those holiday contretemps are great duels. Dig deep.


Wait to buy the motorhome until after the divorce so.

We used to have a conversation around camping, to which my answer invariably was that I don’t work hard all week to sleep in a field full of midgies and shit in a bucket.
The end.


Or make one up like I did

I used to try and win those exchanges. A fool’s errand.

I now bring the ball to the corner flag and play for a draw.

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Similar answer I give when the suggestion of getting a ferry and driving to the south of France comes up. What about ‘the experience and the memories it’ll give them’? Taking a flight for 2 hours rather than a 24 hour journey is a much better memory in my head


I had a massive win this morning. I fucking smashed it

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In the fullness of time you’ll see it was A Pyrrhic victory.


Not at all. I smashed it

Admins need to step in here