The Marty Morrissey is a swordsman thread

he has a neck like a plucked turkey. Marty is entering the endgame of his career with this shit

Iā€™d say Marty is making bank like never before mate

these celebrity fads chew up people and spit them out. He has about 3 months while heā€™s a novelty and then the vacuous cunts will get sick of him. Heā€™ll find it hard going back to reporting on a match while doing an interview by the Boyne

Marty has been doing the circuit for years . The dancing thing brought it to another level . At this stage it is hard to take him serious .


He has been filmed beside more rivers than the late, great Dick Warner .

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heā€™s been near more rivers than a family of otters at this stage

To be fair to Marty, I donā€™t think heā€™s trying to be taken seriously

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Didnā€™t realise Marty is a smart enough guy. In fairness, from his wiki page.

Morrissey was born in Mallow, County Cork (where his mother was from) but was raised in the Bronx, New York, where his parents worked. When he was aged 10, the family returned to Ireland to his fatherā€™s native home of Clare. They settled in Mullagh. Later, Morrissey went on to study at St. Flannanā€™s College in Ennis and then University College Cork (UCC) in Cork where he studied medicine for three years before switching to microbiology and physics. He then did a masterā€™s in education at NUI Galway to become a teacher

The study of microbiology and physics in a lovely juxtaposition there with Marty on the back of a Dyna

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Marty is still box office. He has ye all hopping like frogs in a boxā€¦


He always was.

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Marty is a lovely man,

Heā€™s the biggest creep in Ireland.

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RTE have created a monster

he has them hopping, the thick roaster routine has them really sucked in, lads who should know better

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An ogre

Marty is a lovely man, box office, laughing all the way to the bank, but ultimately he is a formulaic twee Clare cunt. An enigma.

Back of the net!!!