The Movies just released for download thread

Oh its fucking shocking. Utterly depressing.

Old Henry is pretty good as these things go.
Well acted with a nice little twist.

Saw it and liked it- no action but love CE vv sad to see what age does to our movie icons etc


Finch is a great movie, meanders along very enjoyably but there’s no pew pew or bang bang or zombies in it so won’t be to the taste to most of the lads here.

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I don’t know if I’d watch it myself, but may be of interest to some.
It’s about the Williams family.

Pass… but thanks

Another Thanks, but I’ll pass perhaps.
Not great likenesses in my opinion.

Watched “The Windermere Children” last night.
Well worth a look. Slightly BBC twee, but very good.

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Was it woke enough for you?

Having just read the book @Fagan_ODowd recommended, it was just a touch too ballyk for the subject matter. It didn’t (I suppose couldn’t) do it justice I felt.

Filmed in Cahir Castle…


Enjoyed it - sad though

Look it’s fairly decent

The French Dispatch has been dispatched.

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The series Reyka is worth a watch, as is West of Liberty.

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I saw your other post about it.
Looks like my cup of tea alright. Thanks!

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Been looking forward to this

Watched it this evening, the most Wes Anderson film yet. Enjoyable

Joel Coen only credited on this one. :man_shrugging: