The Non Limerick Chippers Thread

Snap :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Nope well worth it. Youd be stuffed after it. Better off getting chips between 2 imho


Order online first youll be waiting

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I’d a game of golf there in fota before Xmas and I’d 3 pints after and we stopped in dacent munch and we passing home.

Ju know they would say the wedding day or the birth of your kids is the best day of your life but I don’t know…


Whats a beoir?

In cork lingo a beoir is a fine thing. A fla. A wan you’d like to be your old doll

It’s a double bacon cheeseburger in dacent munch

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I know what a beoir is, same in Limerick. But didn’t know what that was in a chipper :smile:

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Beure i thought it was spelled

Apparently they’re from Minceiri and its cultural appropriation to use them

Ja feich a beoir last night mush?

Git stuck in tonight. Mauled it


Is that bacon fries on the burger :smile: fucking hipsters

Is that a bacon fry burger

It is and all


What’s a manky beoir then?

I remember when that word entered the general lexicon in my area, it was all the rage for a while, feens and beoirs, (guys and girls), it’s traveler speak

Burger looks fucking good mate

Its class. Best in cork.

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A beour is any bird. Not necessarily a fine one.

Lads she’s a bad beour

Lads she’s a fine beour

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Oh mush, feeked some beour last night in Coolios

Will ya bug ma’dil a pint
