The north/really good looking fellas

I’d follow you into war

How did these Saoradh lads come from nowhere and get 400 people marching all at once?

Lads playing dress up as soldiers. Same sort of simpleton you would find in FCA.


There’are other SF councillors ( ex) all around the 32 counties who aren’t at all comfortable with neo SF,but I suppose it’s all about growing up,as in if they want acceptance they have to conform to trendy welcome all SF,I’m not for a minute a shinner( ex) and they have lost good ppl in Cork,Cobh,Derry,Lurgan etc,but that’s what happens when you come into mainstream politics,they’ll be a good friend of FF in the v near future,handy as a coalition partner

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Yes of course this seems to be the path establishment catch-up parties tend to take. The exuberance of youth takes it toll.

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Cargo pants are back.

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They’ll be part of the 26 county government within 10 years,hawks will be all geriatrics by then,they’ll be almost,well🤔 nearly respectable

The word “form” has different meanings.

One meaning of “form” is a proven propensity to behave in a certain way, ie. that one has “form” for consistently posting ill-informed bullshit - as you do.

I’m not sure why one would approach a right-wing party with a view to forming a left-wing party.

Maybe Jeremy Corbyn will approach the Tories with a view to them merging with Labour and forming a left-wing party too? Because there’s literally no difference in that suggestion to yours.

I guess you’d have to live in Ireland to realise just how stupid your suggestion is.


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There is little support in Ireland for left wing politics. If you deny that you are delusional. Every left wing party in Ireland has failed miserably, especially Labour. There is support in Ireland I believe for a center left party, which is the direction any sensible party or parties need to head if they wish to defeat Fine Gael.

You continue to make an utter fool of yourself, it’s astounding how you never learn anything new and just keep repeating the same old tired bullshit. You are literally the lad who walks into the pub and everyone inside walks out.

Lads paying off drug debts

You’re correct … Irish people are extremely left leaning when it comes to other countries but when it comes to Ireland they become extremely right wing - spitting venom on the less fortunate and happy to do what they are told by the government.


Have all the dissidents joined together or whats the story? Stayed in Derry for a night last October and there honestly was a feeling of a forgotten city vibe to the place…was very few people around at 10pm on a Thursday night. Terribly sad…the community has been neglected by the North and the South.

Its mad how close the inner city of Derry is to Donegal as well.

I’m not sure what kind of people you hang around with, but in my experience Irish people nowadays are balanced and centrist in their views. Relatively speaking there are very few radical leftists like @Sidney, @glasagusban and yourself, although you would think listening to your old bullshit ye were in some kind of majority.

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That pub bore jibe obviously rattled you badly, given you’ve now resorted to stealing it from me. :grin:

Why exactly are you calling me left?

Have to agree with you

Where in the so called New IRA gathering on O’Connell Street today were you, @glenshane? Towards the front or the back, or maybe in the middle?

You’re right, it’s hard to pin down what you are.