The north/really good looking fellas

Derry is dead to the world on a Thursday, Monday not great either, remember don’t compare it with Dublin,Cork etc,pay is shite, construction is rare,so money’s tight

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I’d a days work to do sid, unlike any one of that crowd. Quit slinging mud, it’s unbecoming

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Ah right, you were on active service

I suppose I could understand the sunglasses given it was a lovely day but I thought your boys looked ridiculously overdressed in the berets

Still, hotheads by clothing choices, hotheads by nature

OK. Whatever.

I’m free
To be whatever I
Whatever I choose and I’ll shoot a journalist if I want

Another heroic blow for oul’ Ireland

Dan Breen would be smiling in his grave

He would actually, one of the few things I agree with @Tim_Riggins on is that Breen was a Nazi sympathiser

You can’t say these things here though, you get called a Nazi

I’m sure you’re right

Do you take speed Syd?

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This is fascinating to observe, gas altogether

This was written by an illiterate.

I’d say he takes whatever nurse ratchet administers


Whereas tis easy enough to see you’re a wanker.

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Catch yourself on ffs

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Now, now, nothing must be let get in the way of the glorious united Ireland envisioned by these patriots

And shure if a journalist gets shot to death well shure what about it, 'tis another blow struck for d’ould sod, or something

Talking silly boy

Don’t knock it. That’s about 92.5% of tfk.

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I love you man.

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They are the remnants of the Officials/IRSP/INLA, your crowd. Stop deflecting.

Apologise for the murder of Lyra McKee mate

It was your ideology that killed her

I’d say 99.9👍

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Here we have it.

An American & an Englishman arguing about Irish politics and neither of them actually has a fucking clue.