The north/really good looking fellas

Please stop with the anti-English bile

I’m not sure what has brought it on



I’m Irish pal.

It’s weird and a giveaway that you have a hate-filled mind

I certainly hate snooty, smug cunts like you.

@anon7035031 please step in and calm this young bucko

I know you hate hate

Let’s take them at their own word:

“committed to a socialist 32 county Ireland”, “capitalist exploitation”, etc…

Sure sounds like someone, and it’s not me.

You need to stop provoking people, you are better than that (maybe)…

You’re victim blaming here

Why must you always do that

They’re ethno-nationalist which is an inherently far right ideology

It does sound like you alright

Lyra McKee on the other hand is somebody I would have had a very similar mindset to

They are most certainly not nationalist, they are committed left wing militant radicals like Castro, Che Guevera and yourself. Authoritarian idiots in short.

Of course theyre nationalist - did you not hear their rhetoric about Crown Forces?

That’s as nationalist as it gets

Declan Lynch is dead right when he says that nationalism is a mental illness


the English speaker


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Even your edit is a joke.



Oh and I see Trump says “Heil Hifter”

There’s your authoritarian super hero bud

Ur hopping like a banger in a pan mate

Absolutely fuckin seethin pal … stage 20

I’m not the person who got all offended because somebody laughed at people watching hobby stick stick pal

You have a lot of hate built up

Let it go

You seem to be the offended one here mate

How so?