The north/really good looking fellas

A couple of stained glass windows when the time comes and the job will be oxo.

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Over here the kids get confirmed around age 15-16 and religion is taught as an optional subject only in primary school. So the lads have to do a course over two school years and get a card marked for attendance etc.

Goes to show how we here in Ireland are the most advanced catholic country on the planet. Something to be proud of.

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No you’re not being a cunt- and vast majority still go to catholic schools,top schools all over the 6 counties for RC are catholic

Only changed this year with the new Bishop. The first meeting is up in fecking Bolton ffs.
All changed on the whim of one lad.



This could DESTROY the dup!
Jim Wells absolutely spitting feathers on radio ulster. Great banter.

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Is that podcast anywhere I’d love to hear it?

The bould Jim - “People were hurt by Arlene Foster’s decision to attend a GAA match on a Sunday, but some understood why that had to be done even though it was painful.”


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Good post.

For me the critical thing for a United Ireland to occur is for the Unionist population in the North to embrace the concept of having such beliefs within a United Ireland. A huge ask possibly but that is what needs to happen. For that to occur they need to be welcomed - like what Martin McGuinness was attempting to do. North and South.

It is a pity that the tricolour has to a certain degree come to reflect a Republican mindset because it is actually a wonderful symbol of what needs to happen in this country. Recognition of the green and orange under the one flag and recognition of the need for peace between the two.


Aren’t Buddhists suspected of carrying out the Sri Lankan massacre?

Watered down Muslims

Both of you completely missed the point. you wanker.

Foster is a cunt but for all her wrongs she didn’t deserve to have to sit through an ulster football match .


If it was one of the brighter posters I would have known it was meant to be ironic.

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Unionists don’t want to be embraced. They want and prefer division. Their raison d’etre is being part of the United Kingdom and identify as British. What would their manifesto be if there was a united Ireland. They would be extinct. In the immortal words of Maggie Thatcher “they are as British as Finchley”.


Bright poster on TFK?? lolz - good one :rofl:

So that brings the notion of a United Ireland into question for me. And we need to be realistic about it.

there’s a middle ground in both communities that will follow their pockets…

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Here’s the thing - or things - there’s a shitload of money wasted in the North in educating children thru 3 different sectors - Catholic, State (Protestant) and Integrated. They could save a fortune and so invest smarter and deliver better education by streamlining and forcing the churches out of education and have just one sector - Integrated.
My problem with the Integrated sector is that it isn’t secular just non-denominational but that’s a problem for another day.