The north/really good looking fellas

Think the mindset for many in Irish state and media often conflate it (Irish state) as being only true Irish identity when in actual fact that’s nonsense. Unionism is not homogeneous grouping.
‘Northern Protestants’ by Susan McKay articulates the complexities superbly.

Irish nationalism was a late 19th century invention by poets - that romanticized the Irish peasant on the land … anything outside that was dubious

What would Robert Emmet say to that?

1200 men took part in the Easter Rising. Another 2000 or so were due to take part only for the fuck up back in Kerry and the loss of the arms. 99% of the population were fucking lickspittles. Sure you can see it on here ffs

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1200 isn’t bad considering it was called off.

Was it not 20k more?

1200 lads with a few revolvers between them and they held the city for a week. They did alright to be fair to them

20k more supposed to take part?? Jesus I doubt it, I read before somewhere between 2000 and 3000 around the country outside of the 1200 that actually took part, but I’m open to correction

Would a seat in the Senate count?

I dunno mate.
Personally I think its great, and would love to see unionists take seats in the Dail.

Question just occurred to me. Is there an “Oath of Allegiance” of any sort for Dail members? @anon61878697

A very worthwhile read. Also, see Linda Ervine, who Unionist voicebox Jamie Bryson described as not a true unionist because she supports an Irish language act.

Let’s say there was a united Ireland next year. What concessions could or should be made to the PUL community? Assuming there was no violent backlash from them, should we let have their silly orange marches? You’d definitely get the nackers throwing rocks if they decided to make a point and march in Roscommon or Limerick etc…
How do you let them celebrate their “Britishness” when they’d no longer be British…

Just saw an article on Lyra’s funeral in the Daily Mail - nearly every picture of those attending the funeral was of an obese lesbian


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I’m glad the significance of Mary Lou and Arlene sharing a pew has been recognised


Just the one pew is it?


It wouldn’t want to have woodworm anyway


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The Mail showing pictures of a vigil held in Dublin’s garden of rememberance… I’d say you’d get a bigger crowd at a Leitrim junior b game.

The New IRA are finished. Their 30 year old handguns are no match for the power of the cool kids on Twitter. This is their Robert McCarthy moment. You cannot take on LGBTQ Ireland.

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