The north/really good looking fellas

This would be funny if it wasn’t exactly true.

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The quares have managed to do in 10 days what the shinners couldn’t do in generations.

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I’d say the pews down the back breathed a sigh of relief.

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Thinking imo needs to focus less on how Unionism can be appeased in southern irish state and more how can a new ireland be created that equally respects all traditions. Irishness is diminished when it only focuses narrowly. Partition has arguably been a failure for south as well as the north.


Hear, hear mate.

Let’s not pander to them whether Catholic or Protestant ( Nationalist or Unionist ).
Let’s just create a state when being Irish is relevant and living your life without fear is normal. Where children write the History of the nation going forward and forget the guns of the past.

SF & the DUP are a fucking disgraceful shower of cunts.


Celebrate it in Donegal and Sligo each year without any hassle

If they’re elected to stand then stand they should

If it meant a Day off work your average Joe down south wouldn’t give two fucks.


Right too

Want to see it in Derry,the bastards take over the city,piss and puke all over the gaff, majority of these brethren ( scotch/ and east Belfast) are total piss heads and triumphalism turds when they take over a nationalist city once a year-,the normal everyday Orangeman isn’t atall like this normally,only when the whures gather enmasse

Have you ever taken heed of the scrotes celebrating Paddy’s Day in towns throughout the 26 Counties?
An absolute cuntfest of a day when drink is involved as are most days.


It’s not a coat trailing exercise though

How do you think an orange march would go down in the near future in Cork city, or Limerick city? Say, they were invited to march on Paddy’s day in a parade. You’d have every scumbag only waiting to paste into them, and possibly vice versa.
Problem is a new Ireland where everyone is Irish isn’t as easy as that. If you’re a unionist, you’ll most likely not see yourself as Irish ever, even though there are many who think of themselves as both Irish and British. How do you appease a loyalist or unionist in a new Ireland? Rejoin the commonwealth?

SF and DUP, as pointed out are a shower of cunts. The moderates are gone in NI and have been for years. So much for the peace process…

I tend to try and leave the country on Paddy’s day or around then. I hate it. An absolute shit show.

Elections in the north are just a dress rehearsal for a border poll. SF under mcg and Adams were as about as progressive a party as you could expect. The same could be said about the pragmatism of Peter Robinson.
You lads in the south expected the doves to make the peace instead of the hawks.

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It seems the constitutional nationalists like the SDLP weren’t extreme enough no?

I’m not sure what you mean?

Fine Gael are despicable cunts, it has to be said. They know rightly that the DUP in its current guise (post Robinson) are impossible to deal with. Their Brexit shenanigans drive home that point, but the collapse of the assembly happened because the DUP baulked at a growing nationalist vote and decided to make conditions intolerable for nationalist parties. It suited them to sabotage it and have Westminster involved centrally again.

But it equally suits Fine Gael to peddle the narrative in the south that Sinn Féin are to blame for the collapse of the assembly. They say this as part of a “they don’t want to govern in Belfast, they don’t want to take seats in London, they just want to complain from the sidelines” tactic.

There’s no nuance or context or acknowledgement that Foster is a stooge controlled by hardliners who don’t want nationalists to have parity of insert word I can’t think of here.

So they come out with their little stunts like inviting Jeffrey Donaldson to their party conference and Varadkar taking the line I outlined above in leader’s questions. Basically using nationalists in the north as a pawn to score points off Sinn Féin in the south. They need to cop on to themselves and realise that they’re co-guarantors of the Good Friday Agreement and have a responsibility to act accordingly.

I touch my screen in a manner to formulate the above words as someone who despises Sinn Féin since their grandstanding against the great John Delaney.


Not as bad,but yes in Dublin/ Cork etc we have our clowns ,but not triumphalism

Som v valid/ truthful points,I blame both the shinners/ DUP for a lot of the current quagmire