The north/really good looking fellas

Sorry mate. All my energies are spent on the climate emergency these days

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Possibly this guy? He had a case against him for the Hyde Park bombings thrown out a couple of years ago because he had one of Blair’s comfort letters. This is for the killing of 2 UDR men.

The meat thing not happening for you?

my diet is mainly huel these days & I feel fine


Huel is the future.

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Harland and Wolff struggling to stay afloat. The useless fucking DUP unable to do anything to rescue staunch East Belfast’s most iconic employer.

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I was surprised to hear there were only 120 workers left.
Someone will change it into a theme park *


There’ll be a flood of misty-eyed reminiscences and tributes to the glory days, the accomplishments and the good down to earth working men etc. I hope they don’t forget about bigotry, the murders and the number of catholics who accidentally died there.


This was a grand one. There was a film of the same name that the Stickies broadcast on RTÉ 35 or 40 years ago. The lads in the shipyard were “a tough no nonsense breed”. Ie UVF psychopaths.


That was my feeling also seeing it on the news.

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There’s a nice anecdote in this about the workers throwing a taig into a dock. Then they sat around with long poles and gently pushed him away anytime he tried to reach the sides, the fun only lasted as long as he could breath I suppose.
Just for the craic like.

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Loyalism falling apart, great to see.


At least they have the consolation that Manchester United are marching unstoppably back to world domination

The murderers winning the Champions League led to scenes of mass celebration in East Belfast.

There was a real celebratory atmosphere at the Liverpool Provincial Grand Orange Lodge Parade this year.


great to hear… Shows that Liverpool truly is an Irish club.

Norn Irish.

what? There are orange lodges and marches south of the border…

What is it with the scummy soccer crowd and partition?

Daytrippers like the oirish EPL fans.

I always get a great laugh out of pretend Republican types staunchly supporting a fiercely loyalist club like Liverpool