The north/really good looking fellas

And they delighted to be cheering from the KOP

King over Pope that stands for. They like to pretend it doesn’t :grin:


Jamie Carragher is related to the fiercely republican Caraher family from South Armagh.

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It kills them that Everton is the Irish Catholic team in Liverpool.


That has the Royalists on here in a seethe.

There were Carraghers playing with Crossmacglen in recent times IIRC. A small knacky corner forward comes to mind.

@Cicero_Dandi @peddlerscross might help here?

There’s been some absolutely savage attemped rewriting of history on that subject


Kyle Carragher. Also played for Armagh.

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Lads from Mullingar and Ballydehob chanting No Surrender from the KOP and they full to the gills of Tenants.

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Scousers worrying that their benefits will be cut after Brexit.

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Does he mention Hillsborough in it?

Garvan (Garbhan) Carragher was a decent squad player too at one point.

Correct- hence he grew up an evertonian

Is it the 19th century… Catholics vs Protestants? Lolz… We are all Irishmen.

Liverpool fans would actually sicken you with their self-righteousness.

I like Liverpool, I like what the club stands for, I respect them, but not one fucking word in that article about murdered Italians, or the minor detail that the Orange Order actually founded the club in the first place.


If you are founded by the Orange order, murder Italians and, only last year, call for the Man City bus to be attacked, you stand for fuck all and pretending you do is cuntishness of the highest order

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I know. I notice you still hear this every day on BBC NI. “Catholics”. “Protestants”, auto assuming that all nationalists are Catholics. Religious pigeon holing is a joke in NI. Segregated schools etc.
Whatever about identity politics in NI, they need to get beyond the religious stuff, and fair enough, then look at the symbols…