The north/really good looking fellas


Cowardly Mexican cunts … as youse ever were.


They’re having a bit of a problem with parts of tallaght. Maybe they should hand leinster back to the tans.
Shameful talk.


As long as they keep referring to the other as Catholics or Protestants the longer the same shit will continue. How many of them even go to mass/service these days.

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You’re awful ignorant on these matters. Would you not be better giving yourself a rest.

Ah ffs

No other country except some kips in the Middle East define their people along religious lines


Incorrect, most of the world is divided by religion, mate.

And its completely wrong.

That’s exactly how the place the tans decided was a “country” was designed. What’s your point? Surely you’re not disappointed at how partition worked out for you and yours.


Sets a new bar for mental

Motor bike racing? we don’t have that in Ireland, it s a real British pastime, like that F1 rubbish

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Also popular in other colonial outposts like the isle of mann

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No it’s fucked up

So’s tallaght. What’s your point?

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You don’t hear them on about Catholics and Protestants in Tallaght you ape

A psychic eh? I was confidently assured that he’s elsewhere

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With Shergar👍

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