The north/really good looking fellas

Can’t possibly comment

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Pootsy looking dapper as usual


Gregory C has always been a shite stirrer - rabid anti nationalist / RC , several attempts on his life over the years only made the piosan worse

Another day of lunacy in the north

People defending a flute band with soldier f badges, and feile defending the wolfe tones appearing at a supposedly inclusive festival…

I f*cking despise the wolfe tones in any case.

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Stick your psychic up your hole with a big jam roll :rofl:

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Maybe a sausage roll?

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They’d save themselves a hape of bother if they checked in with tfk

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A useful reminder


Almost unbelievable.
This lad and some other loyalist tramp had an entire episode of the Nolan show to discuss how the media portrayed loyalism in a negative light. One of them complained that there was more to loyalism than drug dealing and racketeering, but that it never got mentioned

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That other loyalist tramp was Jim Wilson, a regular on the Nolan show. A real loudmouth.

Red Hand Commando cunt. The UDA don’t like him :rofl:

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Kincora aris

You don’t get much more loyalist than a workman’s club, frequented by drug dealers and layabouts.


No wonder they are common in Dublin

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Check out “Cllr” Dale Pankhurst on Twitter as well. Another loyalist buffoon.

Sidneys and Geoffreys boys showing their true colours.

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I was just thinking there in the Brexit thread that it’s completely consistent for the DUP to support Boris’s prorogation because they’ve always opposed any parliamentary democracy that might stop them getting exactly what they want.


Ahoghill sounds like a lovely spot @Cicero_Dandi