The north/really good looking fellas

No surprise about North Antrim. This was Ian Paisley (snr) Papa Doc’s constituency for 40 years and followed by Ian Paisley (Jnr) Baby Doc who even when he is bought for £50k holidays gets the support of the constituents. Free P sheep voting for dynastic politics

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Dinosaurs alive and kicking in N Antrim - silent collection country

I’ll go on the lash if the DUP get thrown under the bus. They are pretty smug so far and that sneering cunt Jim Allister needs a good land.

Jim Allister is not a member of the DUP


I know, should have double checked. He´s a prick anyway.

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I bet he secretly loves it

Those lads love moralising on the radio. Jim allister can’t say “buggery” often enough.
Normally they approve of playing the flute, but they make an exception in nolan’s case

Lovely work here

The examples they’ve picked there are fairly mild. They’ve done far worse than that.

So many you forget, the worst aren’t even reported

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One comment there is class , don’t tell. Jim the origin of word boycott or he may boycott that!

yer man Jim Allister, he loves saying the word “buggery” he gets it in as often as he can, like Boris Trump and “anti democratic backstop”

Shinners bequeathed £1.5M by an Englishman. The level of unionist seethe is a joy to behold.


the news coverage of this is bizarre, its been picked up by RTE and INM who seem to be seething about it. pity theyd never enquire as to where the monies for FFGLAB are coming from

There was a guy on the radio yesterday. Editor or deputy editor of the Newsletter. He was almost in tears. :rofl:

There was a lot of insinuation that it was Northern Bank money but the will pre-dated that heist. It’s great craic. How Allister hasn’t had a massive coronary or stroke I don’t know!

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The 2 boys in Newstalk every morning since it broke keep tutting and saying this story is going on and on, there’s more to come here you feel. Its not even newsworthy beyond an initial story about it tbh.

Jim was on GMB earlier

Probably that Ben Lowry cunt. Another prick given carte blanche to spout unchallenged bullshit on Oirish media about the north.

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Coleman despises SF, you can feel the hate radiating through the radio whenever he is interviewing a SF member.