The north/really good looking fellas

Do people still listen to Newstalk ?

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Is it still on the air? I thought that was long gone after Ray Darcy moved back from there to RTE.

I listen to the sport once in a blue moon.

Lovvvvvvve it

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No one from the nationalist side in the 6 counties surprised at that claim - true or not, his anti RC rantings fuelled a lot of the lunacy that happened ( Seawright another hate monger)

Why would anyone be surprised? He was a nasty vicious cowardly old bigot.

Paisley jnr calling the journalists scum and filth mongers. I thought he’d be pleased

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If I remember correctly, there were 3 guys convicted of those bombings. Belonged to an outfit called the Ulster Protestant Volunteers. At least one of them was quoted at the time as saying that he wished he’d never heard of Ian Paisley.

Back in those days “dog whistling” wasn’t a term and in any case the rhetoric was much more dangerous. There was one famous instance of Paisley naming the houses where Catholics lived in an area in a speech and after those houses were attacked by mobs denied any responsibility.



Good programme on BBC NI now about ex soldiers who served in NI.

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Arlene, Sammy and @Sidney will be seething

To be entirely fair, a Brexit style border poll would be a bloody good way of inciting a civil war, which I suppose is grand if you’re inclined towards killing Protestants because they’re Protestants, or inclined towards killing Catholics because they’re Catholic

A united Ireland will and should happen when it’s clear a consistent majority of people want it over a timeframe of at least five years, the problem is nut jobs trying to force it too soon

But sure if you want to forget the lessons of the past, fire ahead

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And what would you know about the lessons of the past. Away and boil your head.

5% of unionists want a United Ireland.

Are they still Unionists?

A hell of a lot more than you by the looks of things, certainly if our differing views about what would be an acceptable price to pay for a united Ireland in terms of loss of innocent human life is anything to go by

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I spose

They value their allegiance to the team that plays at Old Trafford over the union

How can we be lovers when we cant be friends?