The north/really good looking fellas

'glenshane is correct but what he left out is that poor Ben has one of those unfortunate whingy voices that makes it sound like he’s always on the verge of breaking down in tears. Of course it may well be that he actually IS always on the verge of breaking down in tears 'cos he’s always whinging about something … usually Catholics, Nationalists and worse … Republicans!


As in "the Irish news is bad news":grin:

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A good discussion here on logistics of UI. No sectarian bile or political point scoring unlike the UI thread on here or that usually dominates these discussions.


Sure where’s the fun in that?


My sources tell me NI is in or about to enter recession.

When was it ever out of recession?

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They’ll be able to smuggle their way out of recession soon.

After us of course

Quite right Mike ,jobs yes but pay way below the UK level especially construction,2 of my son’s are brickies and they always travel for work bar 1/2 months of the year,always shite wages that’s why most married men have an extra job

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I’m sure Brexit party MEP Claire Fox will speak up for him

Pigs in the shit👍

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So all these years, where conservative Ireland dismissed Sinn Fein’s British collusion claims and spat on them as the cause — and now, nothing about it from the same commentators even tho they’ve been proved wrong…

it was indeed a dirty war, but perpetrated by the British state - not the IRA as many lickspittles down south have tried to claim… and half of it is not even out yet… The British state caused, fueled and escalated the northern troubles — all other parties were merely responding to the violence the British war machine carried out.


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That’ll go down well,I’m anti abortion but fuck me ,vote DUP?:thinking:

Are these northern nationalists all uber Cafflicks? The fact everything is talked about in religious terms shows how fucked up it still up there. Segregated schools in Ireland in general are a disaster. Themuns and usuns.