The north/really good looking fellas

They are fundamentalists in Tyrone in particular.

What a nutter

No to Abortion.

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Segregated in the free state aswell :+1::+1::+1::+1::+1:haves/ have nots

I think segregated schools are wrong up north and in the free state.


Wrong anywhere imho. Should be legislated against as monotheism has shown that it can’t be trusted as it falls into the wrong hands over and over again.

Agree ,but it is what it is,my kids never met a Protestant until they went to the US,( charity thing taking kids from nationalist and unionist areas and making them mix for a few weeks,as in 1 rc- 1 protestant bunking up in the same house, sharing meals activities,all started by a Cork born cop in New York, brought several hundred kids each summer,worked to a certain extent,but as in our case at the time in Derry,we had our shops,schools,GAA etc ,they had theirs,it’ll only change when a proper middle classs is in place ,and kids have the freedom to mix ,marry etc ATM it’s not possible as most RC s in the n west are in big council estates and things really haven’t moved on+ my eldests man is a Protestant and as my daughter lives in Creggan it’s causing all sorts of shite to the extent that she’s not invited to my niece’s wedding in Cork next year if she brings him ( republican wedding) so the hate lives on,ive moved on from all that melarky years back,but TBH 12/13 years ago I’d have been as bitter p.s. ref middle class my point was in Creggan ,bogside,Brandywell,Shantallow,Galliagh vast nationalist estates it’s not possible to meet a Protestant girl etc and to get mixed up with one is at minimum frowned upon at worst windows get put in

Correct - boys and girls should learn together.

I do like this


The empty plastic is a neat symbol

Empty heads

Ireland could set a good example here (as they have on other issues) by secularizing all publicly funded schools. The concept of having to have Catholic sacraments to gain access to public schools is absurd.

Separation of church and state is fundamental to democracy. If people want to send their kids to religious schools then let them fund them themselves as is done here.


Agreed your old mucker Sid might even agree with you on that one

Sid would want atheism forced down their throats.

I’m a firm believer in freedom of religion and letting people believe whatever idiotic things they want to believe, mate

Abortion and Gay marriage will become legal in the North tonight. I don’t think there’s ever, in the history of the World, been a party as effective at achieving the exact opposite of everything they stand for in as short a space of time as the DUP. This while they are in power in the North, as well as being holding the balance in the UK as a whole.
What a bunch of absolute clowns :joy:


They along with TUV leader & barrister Jim Allister tried to pull a procedural stunt to circumvent standing orders of the Assembly. They even had legal advice from the Attorney General John Larkin, a right wing fundie Catholic. But astonishingly the Speaker, DUP’s Robin Newton faced them down and their wheeze crashed and burned.

Seems politics is just a circus at Westminster and Stormont with jolly wheezes designed to get round the spirit, never mind the letter, of the law.

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Its a taig Baroness O’Loan [I presume the former police ombudswoman?] leading the charge to get this stopped. I hope more Tyrone footballers don’t move to the DUP cause now cc Cicero

Aontu could really take off in the North with this, there is a huge groundswell of opinion against abortion in the rural areas of Catholic Ulster.

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Not just rural