The north/really good looking fellas

To do with a policy of breeding more than them?

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I’d say if it went to the polling station in the O6 for abortion to be legalised, it would be defeated comfortably. Stormont - I’m not so sure - I think SF, SDLP and Alliance would support it.

This is a very tricky issue for SF up north, a good proportion of their voting base would be very strongly opposed to abortion.

V tricky indeed ,hence it’s convenient for them not to vote either way,older republicans say nay,younger voters that they need say yay, SDLP AFAIK split on it at grass roots, bloody lukewarm alliance will vote no to survive, northern equivalent of our labour ( sic) party

A strong republican alternative is badly need to SF up north in constitutional politics. Since Adams went down South and McGuinness illness problems and came to the fore, they have been a rabble up north. The leadership should have passed to someone like Gerry Kelly or Conor Murphy but they went down the populist and box ticking exercise. It’s very hard to relate to Mary Lou as the leader of the party. She’s just a sleazy career politician who doesn’t really stand for anything. She’s a competent politician but the insincerity of her is transparent.

Mark Lou​:thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking:no charisma,no real republican history, Murphy wouldn’t hack it ,not popular,big fish small pond, correct jail breaker should have been pushed towards the pedastal ( but needed at the time to convince S Armagh/ Tyrone to stick with the shinners after the GFA

She didn’t lick it off a stone :joy:

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Her FF background?

Have a look at the video here. From about 30 secs to 1:20 Arlene’s face is priceless as the Speaker says “No” :joy:


It shouldn’t be referred to as ‘Northern Ireland’, ‘The North’ or even ‘Norn Iron’

…it’s ‘The Six Counties’


The Occupied Six.


It’ll be great to hear about the first abortion under the new law tonight, a bit like when the first salmon caught of the year was a staple news item


SF are gone. They’ll be wiped out in the south and the conservative Catholic in the north may well stay away from the polls.

Mary Lou and Michelle have certainly not held the party together.

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They’ve destroyed it, sat on their Tods and watched the world go by.

SF voters in the south overwhelmingly favoured the abolition of the 8th Amendment

In the north it’s a bit more complicated but nobody only the complete headbangers, and I mean the extreme headbanging fringe, will not vote SF because of abortion

Aontu are an absolute joke

Abortion in the north will be like divorce in the Republic, in a year it will be an accepted fact of life and everybody will move on with their lives wondering what the fuss was ever about

It’s done now and will never be undone

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I’ve no problem with them not being in Stormont, how could anything be discussed or dealt with as Brexit unravels. Their partners, the DUP want the polar opposite. Nothing would have got done. The only show in town the last three years is Westminster.

I’ve also no issue with them staying out of that mess too. Despite the establishment and the meeja in the 26 wanting them to take part in the shenanigans, as soon as they sat down to vote, the ERG and others would walk a mile.

My issue is with the leadership and strategy.

In the south they went after a liberal labour voter. @Juhniallio type ain’t never voting for SF so that strategy was fucked. The school teacher or semi state clerk hate the shinners after years listening to their unions ran by the Labour Party so they were never winning their votes.

In the north, they went down the same road, the north is next shite?? Two fat birds trying to ram the same liberal agenda down the throats of hard lads who ‘won the peace’ and conservative voters who reluctantly switched to SF since the ceasefire.

They are at 9% in the polls in Dublin while some kids eat off cardboard on Grafton St. They will be wiped out at next election, they’re fucked…a bit like that poor child.


Spot on.

Sinn Fein were at 16% nationally in the latest poll, 20% in the one before that

SF generally do better in Dublin than they do in the country, so I’d venture they’re well above 9% in Dublin

9% Sid. Go to Aungier St or Bohermeen over the weekend and get some insight.

I’m very familiar with Aungier Street

Very few people live on it

It isn’t the same since Kavanagh’s sweet shop closed

I’ve never heard of Bohermeen

A quick Netscape says it’s in Meath

Meath isn’t in Dublin, last I heard, it just thinks it is

Sinn Fein were at 20% nationally in September’s poll

So you’re talking shit