The north/really good looking fellas

That is a very good post

I did pick it up from the radio that’s what they were on. The taxi driver wouldn’t stfu though so couldn’t hear fully. Only link I can is below which is different tbf…

The European and local elections in Dublin were a disaster for them.

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Spot on.

DUP- WE must never be separated from the rest of the UK –

UK- Ok, same sex marriage is to be introduced –

DUP - Except on that.

UK - Abortion is to be introduced -

DUP - Except on that also -

UK - The removal of creationist teachings in schools –

DUP, Except on that as well …

What those dirty black protestant bastards want is a return to the apartheid state they once had that we in the South helped them maintain. I know most lads here would be happy to let that happen again but the world has moved on and the DUP are an absolute laughing stock… The North needs a proper Unionist party that actually gives a fuck about working class unionists and is checked into reality… SF need to address their own leadership issues also and stop looking for cheap optics and start pushing policies.



Bye Arlene

Two things.
1 Whinge whinge fucking whinge. The champagne Republican is not happy. SF had the chance to govern after the last election. To actually make policy. They sat on their hands and refused point blank to even think about it. People get that it’s all strategy and all for the good of the party and has fuckall to do with what might be good for normal people. The performance of their local politicians has been abysmal when it comes to actually doing work. Louise O Reilly set herself up to attack Brendan Ryan instead of just going after her own votes. Moved to his area and started following his canvasses. The Fingal SF did little or nothing locally. Dara ni Laoi managed to be the only person to be unelected (apart from the surprise joke candidate) in this ward. Not even close, She was miles off. How does someone with a party at 16% not get elected in an 8 seater constituency with 9 candidates ? All over the country SF sat on their arses, and the people recognised that. The massive advantage SF has it that it genuinely has an army* of young people who see them as a way to change and can bounce back up the polls if they actually start to do things.
2. I have voted for SF and would consider doing so again.


Joan Gibney passed away. She’ll be laid out in Aungier St and then buried at Bohermeen.

There’ll be a huge turnout from SF. Go and speak to them goes they know the figure…9% and they are all terrified.

Who the fuck is Joan Gibney

Be afraid, free staters. Be very afraid.


200e dole a week wouldn’t be long softening their cough I’d say


How appropiate that they met at a venue called The Con Club :smiley:

They make 10 times that from their drug dealing.

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I see yer man Dee’s Tit was at the meeting.

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The chap in the black cap looks like death warmed up

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He looks to be wearing a Kilruane McDonaghs top. That’s the face of a man who knows his side let it slip at the weekend vrs a 14 man Borris-Ileigh to miss out on a county final spot.

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Sorry It’s Anne Gibney’s funeral. She was known as Joan.

Think he’s retarded in some way