The north/really good looking fellas

In every way

200e a week and they might be able to eat.

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When the RCs realise what the cost of living is down here they’ll think twice about joining up. The tight fisted Loyalists will self combust as they hand over their Queens shilling to an FF/SF coalition govenrment.

The body or bad photoshopped head?

Very cold day in Belfast.

He’s flying at full mast for the occasion.

Why would we let you join us? We’ve got the NHS, free education up to tertiary, no housing crisis, no traveller crisis. It would cost us too much to take your basket case economy on.


I believe that everybody up there gets free GP visits, free medicine and if you can’t be arsed going to the chemist beside the GP , the chemist will deliver your meds to your house, all free of charge and not means tested. Dentist visits are free also. Even writing this I’m shaking my head in disbelief, it actually seems that you get services for your taxes. We’ll be up in the morning.

I think you’re wrong. Oaps and other assorted scroungers get free prescriptions. Joe punchclock has to pay, but can iirc buy a cert for about 200euro which gives free prescriptions for a year c

The DUP are some legends all the same

They’ve successfully brought in an all-Ireland economy, abortion and same sex marriage

They’re like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Panti Bliss and James Connolly rolled into one party

The D, the D, the DUP!


Druggies always survive - growing market for the uda etc, north/ South they don’t care

Yes most get free dental treatment, provided you’re not on mega bucks,free school meals / etc

100 percent correct

Seamus Bryson has issued legal proceedings against his own government for breach of the GFA he hates…
You can’t make this sh1t up anymore.

Nope, flatty. Everybody gets free prescriptions. You pay for dental treatment if you’re not on benefits tho’ fewer & fewer dentists are taking NHS patients.

The UK should just disband, it’s just a paradox now.

There was a case like this taken in Ireland by Ulster Unionists after the Anglo-Irish Agreement and the Irish supreme Court just threw it out because it was taken in bad faith.

My sister in law and her fella who are based in Dublin head back over the border every time they need to go to the dentist. Are you sure they’re not paying or just paying fcuk all?

They’ll be paying unless they have some fiddle going. Are they working in Mexico while claiming benefits up here?

Of course it’s likely that even if they pay, they’ll pay less up here than down there.

Both based in Dublin for 20 years. Any medical issue at all and they hop over the border for free treatment. We wonder why they bother with the cost of the bus ticket and time etc. They’re defo not paying much if anything. Unless they’re getting away from one ano… ahhhh


It has to be a case of comparative cost. However, they shouldn’t be able to see a GP up here unless they maintain a northern address or claim they’re visiting. GP rules are generally that you have to live in their catchment area.