The north/really good looking fellas

Bus ticket :grinning:

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I never paid and got crowns done before I headed back to civilization ( Cork😁)low paid job alright but never put my hand in my pocket regards dental treatment,late sister got her front teeth knocked out in Cork ( camogie years ago),up to Derry with her - we got her treatment on another’s medical card, saved her thousands.

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They didn’t. That’s shite talk. No one would have gone in with them.

They did however have an opportunity to set out the stall and reinvigorate the party…they failed.

Pearse and Matt were ordered to step back in favour of the females, all Councillors and TDs in the 26 were visited by Belfast to say Eoin O’Broin was not taking control of southern ideology and party strategy stayed in Belfast.

Shinners are fucked. They had some serious people but yet now they are just toxic.

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I must be some eejit they can see coming then! I’ve been paying for dental treatment since I left my student days behind me.

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Na you’re a top earner👍,I wasn’t up there, great jobs shite pay

The DUP are standing aside in Fermanagh South Tyrone to five that arsehole Tom Elliot a free run at it.

Uda are making threats to former free state resident Steve Aiken unless he gives Dodds a free run at north Belfast

UDA - Ulster Drug Army

Who were supplying the most e’s up North in the 90’s? The IRA or the UDA? The ra were the biggest drug dealers in Munster back then. Pretending to police dealers but getting protection money of course

Ra in Munster? Suppliers ? Don’t k honestly where u got that information, serious,not doing the bollox

Provisional ra in Derry never supplied ,but yes turned a blind eye to a hash dealer in the early 99ds in the Rosemont area,only one I know of

They were taxing every dealer in the north and making serious money. Especially when the rave thing kicked off. They were dealing as far as any normal person would consider it. Pretending to be anti drugs then. It would sicken you

Every drug dealer in Cork and Limerick were paying the ra in the 90’s to be allowed operate

Having spent 20 years there it maybe happened in Belfast not in Derry or Cork yes druggies were relieved of bobs not taxed to any great deal ,maybe on a local low level thingy, certainly not officially

Incorrect,and I will leave it at that.

What did the the ra used to call themselves in Dublin. Another pretend name. Direct action against drugs or something. Those scumbags the Dunnes were paying them savage money not to get shot. Later on. Have a close look at some of john Gilligan associates. Some serious Republican connections there. All caught with kilos of beak later on on life. Old habits die hard

The SDLP and Fianna Fail :smiley:

Saw this recently. Made my blood boil and I’d say I’d be the most chilled out poster on here. Sickening shit and little or no word of it anywhere


Ah now :thinking:

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