The north/really good looking fellas

I wonder did she ever get her corn back from Michael.

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The contempt for Ireland once again highlighted…by all accounts, the man did a great job. So much so he has been sacked.

A rare reasonable Tory. Being reasonable is a sacking offence in that party these days.

Bertie just said there that Julian crossed swords with Coveney :dizzy_face:

I followed Julian Smith on twitter. Spare a thought for me.

Speculation now that Soldier F will be appointed new as the NI Secretary by Boris Johnson.

We shall prepare for Trevelyan’s scorn so.


Coveney was on the radio there, giving him great accolades

Without actually giving an opinion.

SOR rolled out Bertie again.

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A 52-year-old man has been charged with the murder of Lyra McKee.

The 29-year-old journalist was shot dead in the Creggan area of the city as she observed a riot on 18 April last year.

Paul McIntyre, with an address at Kinnego Park, Derry, appeared before Derry Magistrates’ Court this morning.

He was charged with the murder of Ms McKee, possession of a firearm with intent to endanger a life and membership of a proscribed organisation.

Mr McIntyre was remanded in custody until 27 February.

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Hang him by the balls off the Foyle Bridge and leave him there to rot.

Boris is purging cabinet of 5th columnist remainers as he promised to do. Nothing more to see here

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The Nazis and Stalin were great for the oul’ purges. So it’s no suprise Trump and Johnson love them too.

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Maybe so but this was known pre election.

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Aye sure never bother with a trial or anything inconvenient like evidence.

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Accused not guilty

Typical free state reply,no trial needed FFS ppl have we learned nothing?

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