The north/really good looking fellas

Stay away.

There’s not enough to around. We’ve blocked off the bridge in Lifford and closed Barnesmore Gap for through traffic.


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Lots of prods around Ramelton.

Dirty fuckers.

What a wonderful tribute to Bobby Sands.


UUP and Stoops have taken a battering in the Assembly elections.

The future for The Stoops looks imminently bleak with their voting base dying away, the sooner the better this quisling political entity fold, the better. Dreadful performance from them in their heartlands of Derry City and also in South Down SF have narrowed the gap considerably. These two constituencies are now the only nationalist ones where they hold a slim advantage over SF.

SF vote has been hit in the urban areas of West Belfast, North Belfast and Derry with emergence of PBP.

DUP the big winners in this with them decimating the UUP and also benefiting from being very transfer friendly across the broad unioniost vote. The transfers between the so called “nationalist” vote is much more complex and there are glaring differences between SF and the Stoops and their ventures.

It will be interesting to see what the emergence of PBP entails, SF trying to cosy up to them and PBP in turn wanting to distance and really target SF is going to be the one of the main themes of the next assembly.

On one hand, it dilutes the nationalist voice in Stormont, while on the other it brings about a voice against the failings of the British establishment to working class areas of the O6 and cranks up the pressure for the Brits to seriously invest in the O6 which it has zero interest in doing. The power sharing angle is what makes this complex, SF’s hands are tied in this regard with the stability of the peace process hanging over them.

I think you can see by the electoral turnout, there is a bit of disillusionment from nationalists at the current impasse.

Are PBP 100% Taig up there or do a few Prods vote for them too?

Will be interesting to see Eamonn McCann operating in Stormont.


Great news that McCann got in, hopefully he won’t have the time now to write his dribble for the Times

What do you make of the PBP chap topping the poll in West Belfast?

I think it was inevitable, he seems to be well thought of in the area though.

You live by the sword

Martin McGuinness meeting the queen today. Surreal exchange

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It’s that time of year

Any shenanigans up there yet?



They’ve been burning the Ivory Coast flag on bonfires, the thick cunts.

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@anon25556527 have you got your winklepickers on

Nothing beats a good marching band. The pride those lads have is amazing.

That has to be a photo shop?