The north/really good looking fellas

This is very true. The Gregory family beggared themselves during the famine as they didn’t collect rent off tenants (my own family included) while still paying taxes to the crown. They had to sell off most of the estate as a result of this and a scumbag cunt in Galway city named Comerford (catholic) bought it. The rotten bastard trebled the rent for the next 20 years which crippled the poor cunts paying it.


Irish history really one set of cunts replaced by another.


How did you get a ‘D’ on your leaving?

Thankfully I’m a direct descendant of the dusky tua de danann and don’t carry any of that guilt or cuntishness.


My only D was in Irish (pass).

This exchange was an awful under the radar beat down of poor @EstebanSexface , he’s some tulip.

And they said you’d amount to nothing

There were nearly as many good Protestant Landlords as there were horrible bastards, we just don’t hear about them.

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Gregory Campbell irked that the gospel singer of the year competition had an all black lineup.

Open it up ta fuck

Bit of housekeeping lads, I’ve moved my study on Great Protestant Irish Nationalists to it’s correct home, the Irish History Thread

Come on in, the water’s lovely!

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That font is a greater tragedy than anything else that’s taken place


The question then needs to be asked; How do you propose to change it?

We always maintained that the RUC were a bigoted, sectarian force and with a few honorable exceptions that’s what they were. To change that Catholics had to be encouraged to join. The problem was always going to be that the PSNI was just a different name for the RUC. The traditions & culture of the RUC continued, especially as many RUC men who took redundancy were re-employed in the PSNI. Any young Catholic\Nationalist joining would almost inevitably succumb to the “group culture” and be “groomed” to see the PSNI as his gang against all the other gangs.

So there needs to be a root and branch reformation of policing in the North. We can’t leave it to the UVF\UDA\Dissident republican enforcers. The PSNI needs to be disbanded over a period and a new force recruited (on a 50/50 basis with no former RUC\PSNI members involved) and trained (this would have to be done by outside, maybe GB\ROI\EU trainers, during that period. That period might be 10 years or even more given that it’s over 20 years since Patton produced his report on reformation of the RUC. There’d be overlaps and many difficulties, not least the objections of the PUL community to the perceived losing of another brick in their wall although given their vociferous objections to the PSNI who knows - those objections might not be so loud.


The objections would be just as loud. Those lads won’t willingly concede an inch.

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Yeah I know. Sometimes my optimism gets the better of me.

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GFA demands 50-50 this hasn’t happened

Dealing with siege mentality ppl here, so common sense won’t prevail