The north/really good looking fellas

Not sure that’s true. Think it proposed a commission into policing and that’s where the Patton report came from which recommended 50/50 recruitment for a period of time. Not sure what Patton said about end goals

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End goal is a Hong Kong type settlement if any of the cunts have even a semblance of integrity between the whole lot of them on all sides they’ve made a shit show of the 6 counties since the treaty

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Hmmm look how that’s turning out! :smile:

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But at least it’s moving, we’ve stagnated since Collins sold us out

We what?

I’d take anything at this stage

I’ve often wondered how a 9 county Ulster with funding from both the Free State and GB as joint stewards would work out. It would be neither fully part of UK nor ROI. If they could sort out these problems with Brexit it could have the privileged position of tariff free trade with EU & Britain. Considering how the border counties are neglected with investment from Dublin and Derry regaining its true hinterland of Donegal, it would seem to be a win win.

Having said that I’m no economist and the usual caveat applies - if the PUL community think they’re losing anything there’ll be hell to pay. It would be a very good persuader to convince them. It might be better from their POV than a straight UI if the demographics\polls go the wrong way for them.


Fuck the Free State.

Give us our three counties back.


I may be wrong but wasn’t that May’s original proposal and the unionists fucked it out

Yeah for the 6. Unionists wanted to be treated exactly the same as GB. Really I’m looking forward a bit when the pressure of the changing demographics towards a majority CNR population is clear and Unionists are facing a drive towards re-unification.


Unfortunately the whole covid thing is going to mask a lot of the issues Brexit has brought for a few years before people finally realise what a huge fuck up it actually was.



Blatantly obvious by the poor quality of your posts

More bullying of the downtrodden and disenfranchised. Hope you’re proud

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200 (15)

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Sure what else would you expect from the treacherous free state bastards. Abandoned us 100 years ago to our fate at the hands of the superior race.

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They’ll come good in the end though, or they’ll not be able to look their childer in the eye

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Sure they made sure Erskine Childers couldn’t look his son in the eye (Iknow you teed that one up) Thank you.

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You’re a bad hoor

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You bring it out of me