The north/really good looking fellas

Hope not, saw it earlier a friend on twitter (lady) says it’s a man, don’t k,

Dunno atm I’d nearly tackle it :joy::joy::joy::joy::bat:naw she’s fucked in the mind

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If this lockdown does not stop soon I’ll be in a worse condition than, I’ll be back looking for Beamish and Beor

:smile: you’d be better tackling that whatever it is in the video

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:wink::wink::wink::wink::wink::wink::wink::wink::flushed:, era only leaving off steam, I’ve a kid to get to college, graduate etc etc before I’ll even contemplate a Beamish again

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Big Jim getting put back in his box again by Alistair Campbell this morning. He’s some clown.

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Probably the best thing the sdlp has done in a quarter of a century



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Without MI5, the british army and political establishment you’d wonder who will support these cunts.

They were ran by the spooks for years and they couldn’t blow up a box of matches!

I’d say these cunts will be eventually taken out like the Dundons and McCarthys. That’s all these cunts are. Checks on the Docks are disrupting their narcotics importation business. That’s the issue!


Loyalists don’t care about the cause enough do a 20 yr stretch inside. During the troubles they had immunity to do what they wanted, that’s gone now so little doggies are going to bark a lot and very loudly but the bite won’t be there.


He’s an absolute prick

Intel needs them so they’ll survive have no fear, I mean how else could folk get their coke - fuckers

I don’t like Jim Allister either

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In fairness while I don’t like UK politicians in general they’re trolling the unionists . Ian Óg had one from Gove the other day telling him he could sing the Fields of Athenry and Flower of Scotland as well as the sash.
Gregory Campbell next …

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A tunnel to Scotland sounds unreal.

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You’re more than likely absolutely correct there. It’ll likely be a virtual tunnel.


Maybe boris is buying buckets and spades for loyalists

I hope it has a bus corridor and SEGREGATED cycle lane


Handy for the Celtic matches

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