The north/really good looking fellas

Connecting the two most sparsely populated areas of the UK by a very expensive tunnel is an absolute no brainer


The Cork County Board will be praying this goes ahead as PUC will no longer be the biggest white elephant on the island

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PUC best in munster, and 2nd only to croker

They need another coke route

I’d prefer a bridge to a tunnel though I must say.

Are they serious?

There’ll be a serious diversion round the Dyke


The orange tourism for the 12th will be huge. If they go for a bridge they can deck the bridge in flegs for the 40 odd miles.

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Not a hope

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Just make the cunts march back and forward on the bridge and leave the rest of us alone.

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:+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

Under the bridge for the whures

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Ffs. As if Scotland hasn’t enough problems.
Hard to believe but there’s a hape of rangers and hearts fans who see the likes of ballymena and portadown as the promised land

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Be some craic if they built the tunnel and Scotland left the UK half way through :joy:


Anyone ever been to Mull of Kintyre, that part of Scotland ? Full of billy boy bigots or regular folk?

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Not full of anyone really.
It’s beautiful.
Normal folk.
Outside of Glasgow nobody really cares, and noone is Glasgow outside a few areas is really that bothered anymore either tbh.

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Piece starting tomorrow on the Examiner

What in the name of fuck does that have to do with Scottish lads idolising Ballymena and Portadown?


Well if u can’t join the dots and don’t know your history as its all connected then your just another plastic Paddy who knows fuck all about anything north of fuckin Dublin

Anything happening politically in the 6 counties obviously has everything to do with what happened here 100, years ago,
Gway and fuckin read a book ffs

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