The north/really good looking fellas

Yes, she’s piss poor too. We’ll agree to disagree on whether she or Aiken is the worst. The most articulate is Long. Eastwood is a complete bluffer but can string a few sentences together and sound coherent. Foster is boring. I’d rate them


You left out Seamus? He is the number one by a mile for me. He is consistent, persistent and unable to back down on anything. I think Clare Hanna is a far better operator than Eastwood myself too. Agree on Long, she would clean up if she was based down here.

Sorry, that’s a complete blank here. Who? (maybe I haven’t woken up yet!)
The more I listen to Hanna the less I like her. She’s getting more strident and never takes a breath disappearing down rabbit holes and spewing at times complete rubbish.

The leader of the TUV. Seamus or Jim as he calls himself


Ah! :rofl:

I enjoy Jim. He must have been a formidable barrister. He has the ability to make the most unreasonable position sound totally natural. He should be on here.


O Neill does what she’s told

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The amount of times I find myself saying that’s an irrefutable point when he’s on a hate filled rant is extraordinary! He’s more stamina than a Melbourne cup horse


Eastwood is by far the worst of the lot.

A complete fud.


A real sickener. I’d say mallon and hanna don’t take him under their notice

I thought Hanna was meant to be leaving over the FF link up. Did she have a change of heart?

The male gene pool of the SDLP are beyond useless.

Eastwood, Durian, McCrossan… Deary me.

Ask @TheBlackSpot . He’s a massive claire hanna fan

Why are you fat shaming me? If I develop mental health problems it’ll be down to you.


Disgraceful from Arlene.

As a shrewd chap posting here says, she has to go…

How does a catholic like Niall McGinn play for the nordies?

Eire never came calling

Id rather have no international career.

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You should be currently very happy with your lot so. Cunt

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I probably shouldn’t laugh


Police looking for a man called Maxwell.

"He was wearing a brown jacket and light coloured jeans carried a silver hammer. "