The north/really good looking fellas

Its utterly mental that in the same tweet as she mentioned the attack as being attempted murder she also says that Sinn Fein are the real law breakers for going to a funeral

Probably saw the false equivalence bit about Sinn Féin and thought he could get some mileage out of it, but didn’t really read the room. Crazy to think the likes of that headbanger is an elected TD.


Would you fuck off out of it.




What a piece of shit

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They don’t care about youse love

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That’s even worse.

Claire won’t know where to look

You would have thought theyd have been watching the Bayern game.

One word. Rees-Mogg.

JRM is Opus Dei levels of Catholicism. They’d hate him for that alone

Yourself and your buddy Kneel Richmond have both made cunts of yourselves tonight.

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Defensive petrol bombs, eh.

Let the bastards riot and riot and riot. They’ve always been the real issue except now they don’t have their gerrymandered state, their B-specials nor the British army supplying them with guns. Casual unionists will be disgusted by it and your average Tan doesn’t give two fucks, they’d be shot of the place in an instant. The numbers are also not on their side. In twenty years it will be 60-40 Catholic… The writing is on the wall and they know it.


It’s the last sting of a dying wasp.
Up the RA

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It’s a powder keg -

Pity about the cunts

The issue is that they are now looking to attack nationalist areas and the PSNI don’t seem to have any interest in intervening.

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Their own fault.

Maybe they should stop voting DUP/TUV politicians in who view them with contempt and disdain.

One Shot McCabe would do damage from a rooftop on the Nationalist side