The north/really good looking fellas

Oh!, the ironing!

It may have been boats that brought you here three or four hundred years ago …but there’s boats sitting there empty at the minute doing nothing," he said.

"You are welcome to get back on them and go back home if you think we’re so bad."

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Hopefully DUP politicians and those in London will come out tomorrow and officially condemn the LCC and tell them to get fucked.

Gives a new meaning to the term “Officer class”.



Joe Brolly reacts to the resignation of Edwin Poots | Newstalk


That won’t happen. You misunderstand the almost symbiotic relationship between the DUP and loyalist paramilitaries.

an aside. I’m pretty sure I saw that horrible cunt Kate Hoey on the same platform as the LCC, Jamie Bryson, and of course the ultra constitutionalist, law abiding barrister, Jim Allister.

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People down south don’t seem to realise what unionists vote for.

You can be as corrupt, bigoted, backward, racist, ignorant, arrogant, obnoxious, unintelligent, incompetent, sectarian as you like it doesn’t factor into the mindset of the loyalist community.

The only things that matters to them is that you do not take a backward step against those fenians over there. All the sleaze and corruption and bigotry in the world won’t lose you a vote as long as you show that electorate that you will never give an inch to fenians.

You look at what has happened with SF in Derry, a lot of dodgy dealings and shit went on and they have taken a big hit on it, so much so that they had to pull their two candidates.

This is merely just the DUP playing to the gallery, it’s what their voting base wants and they are just the actors here.

I’d like an Assembly election imminently, Stormont doesn’t work anyway with the DUP vetoing anything remotely progressive and which promotes equal standing between the two communities. I also really want to see that snide fucker Doug Beattie show for the utter hypocrite he is. Presenting himself as a moderate and progressive unionist when he is anything but.

The split in the Unionist vote and demographic changes will make it a very bitter spill to swallow and Unionism is becoming more and more and more an absolute pain in the arse for the Tories and the UK govt.


That’s a very boring post.

Also, you simultaneously hold the view that Protestants are all bigoted fuckers while thinking it’s inevitable a united Ireland will happen in the next decade.

These are fundamentally incompatible views.

Being a bigot will not lose you a single vote among the “PUL community”.

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Exactly. The only thing that will lose you a vote there is a position whereby you will have given in to some reasonable concessions, anything that threatens the Protestant ascendancy is what stokes these people up.

The only people who actually can’t see this are either as ignorant and backward as these far right loyalists or are from the funny farm themselves.


Good thread on Doug Beattie’s posturing here.

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Jim was brilliant on Nolan once again. Won’t take lectures from Unionist haters like Stephen Farry or Interlopers like Simon Coveney.

…interlopers from a foreign jurisdiction mind you!

The Alliance are loving everything that is happening. They have remodeled themselves from what was traditionally a soft unionist party to one that is now a middle ground liberal party which puts them far more at odds with hard right wing unionism than the left wing spectrum of nationalist politics in the north.

I just find the landscape for unionism fascinating now, the DUP are so badly snookered here. They are afraid of their lives of an election but have boxed themselves into a corner that it looks like it’s going to be an imminent requirement.

Could be different if Donaldson adopts a hard line and forces a Stormont collapse and an election. In that scenario they may well regain the initiative on the doorstep positioning themselves again as the only party who can stop the fenians.

They are so fractured now though. They’ll all be looking for that line, they have lost councillors, high profile members etc in recent months and there’s also the demographic change. It’s been 4 years since the last Assembly election. The whole Arlene/Poots conundrum, the anger from the loyalist paramilitaries, their failures of Brexit commitments to their voters.

It’s the TUV who will worry the DUP voter base mostly (which I reckon will have fallen by a % or 2 anyway due to demographics.

If the TUV can build up even a 5% first pref vote in the next election it could easily cos the DUP 4 or 5 seats. I think they could hugely struggle to get a seat in FST on the back of the Arlene debacle too.

The TUV’s problem is that Jim is the only personality they have. It’s unlikely people willl vote for some nonentity on a TUV ticket while the DUP are playing the “only a DUP vote can keep the fenians at bay” card.
In FST, Arlene will endorse Donaldson (remember they defected from the UUP at the same time for pretty much the same reasons) so the DUP vote should hold.
The whole confusion of what it is they’re against also plays into their hands. Is it the ILA, the Protocol, Varadkar\Coveney, Sinn Fein? They’ve conflated all these issues so that all they have to do is be agin them. They don’t have to propose anything constructive. And that, as we know is perfect for unionism because they have never had anything positive to offer. Their raison d’etre is to say “NO”, "NEVER"

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I’m not so sure about FST.

Arlene might endorse Donaldson but he’s not a local. FST had always been UUP country up until Foster, the unionist DUP vote there was probably a largely personal on and there should be enough of disquiet that there 1st preference vote significantly diminishes. FST by demogrpahics is a 3 nationalist/2 unionist constituency. Does Doug Beattie have the balls to go for two candidates there?#

Will loyalists who feel betrayed and let down by the DUP just vote for TUV anyway regardless of who the candidate is. What you could see from the last election in the South was that SF could have ran a wheelie bin (not Jamie now) in some constituencies and won such was the level of discontent with the other options. Will the TUV get a big protest vote from let down loyalists? The opinion polls of late certainly state there is a possibility of that - how likely it is in reality is there but it is there. If the TUV even get half of what the opinion polls have them at now then it will cause them serious strife. If the unionist vote fractures then there is serious chances of them losing the final seats to Alliance/SF/SDLP.

They will hemorrhage votes from all sides. Donaldson would be seen to be a bit aloof for some of the working class loyalist scumbags too.

And there’s the fact that young educated people from the middle class affluent Protestant areas will probably see the damage of Brexit and I think the Alliance are going to clean up on those first time voters in those middle class areas.

I’m looking forward to it, I don’t think the dopes in the LCC are anyways aware of what is going to happen in the next election, they are too consumed in rage and short termism that they don’t see where the road is aligning for.

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I love listening to Big Jim on Nolan gurning away.

Posted this on a thread a while back, but makes sense the mentality they have when they still think they are the master race. The loyalists would go down well in bigoted parts of Sth Africa.

British Israelism - Wikipedia

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