The north/really good looking fellas

She’s sceptical that the threats by the UDA of weapons being moved into the area are the reason the bonfire will go ahead. She’s unwilling to believe that is the reason for it proceeding.

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Sorry, yes - is it being used incorrectly? Yes it is being used incorrectly.

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Depends. Do we know why the UDA were incredulous when they issued their threat?


Yes I get what she intends to convey. Is she conveying her message correctly was what I was asking.

Indeed the headline is ambiguous.

She’s conveying it incorrectly.

If she wanted to appear to be in disbelief that the UDA would do this and that it’d be allowed to proceed because of it, ‘incredible’ would have been the correct word.

“I find it absolutely incredible that the threat by the UDA… etc etc”

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“I’m incredulous that …”
Is what she should have said.
She is absolutely correct otherwise.

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If she’d chosen to structure it that way she’d likely have said:

"I’m incredible that the UDA … " :rofl:


Colm Eastwood has named soldier F apparently.

David James Cleary

Dave’s name was widely known. I’m not a fan of Eastwood but I’ll cheer him for this. Conservative and Unionist MPs have used Parliamentary Privilege on numerous occasions to “felon set” and the red tops have gleefully latched on to it. Let’s see their response this time.

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Good Irish name….The cunt will meet his maker one day and will be made answer for his crimes.


A Tipp/Cork surname

Ed Harris the actor is ok . Limerick’s Richard Harris was an alright sort.

Does Stephen think aristotle uses twitter?


There’s never been a more stressful time for a forklift driver to make an error.


Didn’t seem to be any problem with the members of the loyalist community getting their hands on pallets for the bonfires around the 12th.