The north/really good looking fellas

i’ll check that out tomorrow. Why he keeps giving Allister airtime….
There was a bloke a few months back who put together stats on the % of air time Allister got v % of constituents he represents

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Yeah it’s a shit show

what about Crawley

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He probably puts Allister on for a bit of controversy to boost the ratings. It’s the only Northern Ireland radio show I’ve ever heard of and I’ve only heard of it here and from fellas giving out about Allister.


Radio Foyle is decent

any show in particular ?

Morning show is middle of the road and entertaining

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That is the height and nadir of Nolan. Boost the controversy, boost the pay packet.


Think it’s only in the last year or so that he lets his mask slip but immediately goes the alliance route to make amends- strictly middle of the boreen / see both sides always as neutral as Devs Eire etc etc

Nolan spent well over a year of reciting Bobby Storey’s funeral on a daily basis. He basically enflames every perceived Unionist grievance on a daily basis. You have Allister on the show 3/4 times a week and his party represents 2.6% of the electorate. Basically the most in-topic issue that can stoke Unionist anger and outrage is what Nolan platforms on his show. He’s a shock jock and his big fat coupon would insult anyone.


Willy Crawley seems to more “nuanced” if that’s the right word. Bryson isn’t allowed on Willy’s show, so hates him.

Wow, the Newsletter has really outdone itself this time. What next “the nazi’s a misunderstood group of lads”?

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What about Billy Bingham walking around Windsor Park waving his big imaginary bell?
Why was that bell a loyalist symbol again? @TheBlackSpot please explain.


Sorry, pal. I haven’t a notion what that is about. Soccer wouldn’t be my first choice of sport. Maybe @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy knows what it signifies.

He was conducting an orchestra of fervent orange bigots who were singing about being up to their knees in Fenian blood.

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Yes, I knew that part but what about this ringing a bell business?

I dunno, maybe it’s a proddy chapel thing.

Hilarious. A great bunch of lads.

I have memories of that match where Bingham walked around the stadium and I thought he rang an imaginary bell to the rabid loyalist crowd. I was only a wee lad and didn’t really know what was going on. I thought at the time that ringing a bell had some kind of loyalist symbolism but I don’t know.

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