The north/really good looking fellas

He lied about me.

That was just words being bent out of shape.

Serious answer:

Same reason you wouldn’t be “real” frIends with with garda either only more extreme. The Gardai are complete cunts, corrupt to the fucking back bone. Usually they start off ok but within 5 years they’re fucking ruined and have complete contempt for the purpose of the force and basic principles of decency, fairness, goodness and rule of law. The only things they care about are control and power. Because you just couldn’t be “real” friends with a garda even if you wanted. They’re kids are hit and miss, their kids are often ok I guess and I am “real” friends with several lads whose dads were guards.

The PSNI are like that X5. The only catholic PSNI officer I was friends with seemed lovely until he came out with behaviour that was so utterly psychopathic it would make the hairs stand up on the back of your neck. Unfortunately this story is so fucking wild that it would be very easily identifiable by the people involved and I don’t want to go into it because I would put absolutely nothing past the cunt involved. You wouldn’t believe it anyway. But it involves sex and intimidation.

The pigs are utter utter cunts. The pigs are covered in filth and and pigs stink. The PSNI are worse again.

Don’t give me that shit about “they join because they want to serve their communities”, how fucking stupid would you have to be to believe that? (Possibly a small number of the ladies might want to serve their communities but none of the men). That’s like saying that men were becoming priests in the 50s and 60s and 70s because they were so spiritual. POWER. What sort of personality do you think you’re talking to when you talk to a cop?

And the Catholic personalities attracted to the PSNI worse again because its harder to pretend that they won’t be continually surrounded by Grade A cunts and crooks all day at work.

What is your objection to your child becoming a peeler?

However I accept that every country needs a police force. As I was trying to explain to @Halfpipe the IRA experiment of trying to have a community without police or institutions of justice was a failure. I should also say that although the guards stink I think that they stink less than almost any other country. They’re sounder than almost any other police force on earth, certainly no more corrupt, and they had a fantastic pandemic (until Tony Holohan’s tweet).

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Some serious chips on shoulders here,I have to say.
I was going to say it’s Christmas and cool the jets but to be perfectly honest,A-It doesn’t feel like Christmas and B-Life isn’t what you make of it,life is tough and more shit than good.Way more shit than good and that becomes increasingly apparent as you age.

Just keep a small circle of good ones around you,get up and do your job and don’t be a cunt.

Redbreast 12 is amazing xx😁


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This is sad. Disagree and anyone will tell you I’m the angriest, most miserable cunt here.

Anyway happy Christmas whoever you are.

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Go fuck your self now with this talk of lies.
You said I endorse paedophiles, you randomly dropped it into a discussion that you were no part of.
You stand over it, and the mammies boy freedom fighter stands with you on it.
But as you wish to be pedants about what was said to gain a victory then I repeat, I NEVER said you called me a paedophile, I stand over that as it’s what I’m being accused of here.

Fucking weirdos is what you both are, appropriate bedfellows no doubt, freaks

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Nice edit


Maybe your mate was just a cunt, and he happened to join the police, or are you saying the PSNI turned him into a cunt? Would he be cunt if he was a plumber? Possibly.
How can you say the Irish police are “sounder” than any other police force? They’re usually devoid of a sense of humour.

Bit of both

The small number of experiences I’ve had with US cops or British bobbies have been far worse. I couldn’t ask a cop on the beat in Boston directions to anywhere, they’d take the head off you. I ended up asking the drug dealers around the place instead (conveniently located on every street corner after dark). Most of the interactions I had with the cops when I was breaking lockdown every day were very pleasant. We had a good aul laugh together at some of my excuses, going to the supermarket at 7am etc.

@tank that’s the problem with the Irish Gardai. They’re as much use as a chocolate fireguard half the time. That can be good or very bad.

Were you drunk when asking for directions in Boston? Maybe you’re the problem :stuck_out_tongue:

I remember a mate of mine got stopped by a Garda, for speed or tax or something, a young Garda, and he said to the Garda “did you not get the course you wanted in college?”

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The Italian chap is an awful oul bigot.


“Step out of the car please”


My late bro in law Bosco Doherty H7 long kesh
Served 12 years plus
Remembered today by his family in Derry and Cork


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I see Unionism is getting their knickers in a twist at nationalists getting educated and taking over the professional classes.

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