The north/really good looking fellas

I see that. Bryson outraged!

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Suvvvorn Oireland…fuck off

A report commissioned by Jamie Bryson comes to the conclusion that Unionists are being mistreated… No one saw that coming.


Can someone throw up a link to Donaldson’s article please, I’m too lazy this morning.

Was it not that cunt Kate Hoey that wrote the article about uppity Taigs getting above their stations?

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They better get used to it… Their population is dwindling. Catholics haven’t done anything extraordinary except organize themselves through sustained activism. Unionist politicians have since time immemorial just used their electorate primarily for their own ends. While the taigs are if course self serving also at least they are doing it via the betterment of their communities.

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For Gods sake

Has anyone ever given Jim a black eye? Tweed maybe?

Guy now terminal - 5 years for having a poster
So twas fairly grim for republicans down here also especially in the 70s/ 80s

Heavy gang in town on occasions
Brought his then 14 years old kid brother out the country
( viaduct)
Winter time asking about northern visitors etc
Put a gun in his mouth - pissed and shit himself ,
Then fucked a city boy out in the dark on his own and told him majesty your own way home cunt

His mother And other family members were part of ya SF cumainn in Ballyephane ,
No enquiry for this kid -
So a bro in Portlaoise fur having a poster
And they abused him
Garda brutality alive n well in Cork city then


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Pootsy might be a complete nut in some ways but he said something similar in his brief time in charge of the DUP.

It’s why he was ditched.

A hardliner on a journey back towards the centre like Paisley senior, Trimble, Ervine or Pootsy generally ends up being better than somebody who started out as a so called “centrist” who is on a journey to the extreme like Foster or Donaldson.


@TheBlackSpot can translate

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They’d have whacked him as he was too progressive and wouldn’t put up with their drug dealing

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Brilliant :clap::clap::clap:

True, Bryson wouldn’t have been able for him though.

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