The north/really good looking fellas


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Be great to have him back

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Mallon is beyond useless. And she’s permanently outraged. She should really be in the DUP

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Mallon is shite?

Hows it looking lads

Any exit polls?

Yes. There is.

Yeah, I thought about editing it but I knew a Nazi would be along to corrected for me.

Go again there

54% turnout probably bodes well for the Shinners?

Huns more interested in getting the beer in for the rangers match

What it doesn’t bode well for is democracy. With things as they are both there and abroad it smacks of electoral/political exhaustion. The writing was on the wall from the off. A basket case.

Some amount of wishful thinking there I reckon, SF would be delighted to come out of this with the same number of seats they went in with. Early reports have them dropping a couple and Alliance picking up a few - not sure how accurate these things can be with transfers but I reckon that will be the general direction of travel.

There were earlier reports that turnout was higher in unionist areas but that seems to be contradicted now.

This lad has apparently been very accurate in the past

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SFs stance on turf costing them in Tyrone


Seem to be very little interest in that Northern election down here in Ireland. And only marginally more up there.