The north/really good looking fellas

Who’s paying him?!

He’s going around to schools speaking about mental health and the like doing a Bressie.

Ah lads

That’s a tweet that will appeal to both Unionist and Nationalist communities given that Edward Carson invented hurling.


Vermin. Absolute cunts.

It’s their culture hey…


That they are. Plenty said here along those lines too though at the time iirc.

Depressing stuff. The orange order is in bad shape- it seems the only young people involved are the sectarian dregs round belfast and north down. I dont think the local orders would have alcohol on the premises. Most of them are barely fit to march as it is.

Always interesting looking at Jamie Bryson’s Twitter after something auch as this.

He begins this morning by retweeting condemnations from Jim Allister and Jeffrey Donaldson then goes on to retweet opinions which engage in whataboutery. Of course, there has been no expression of condemnation from himself. What a dumb cunt.

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They and you are two sides of the same coin.

Are culture

I stand corrected

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good to see them all being named and facing the consequences


Its falling apart for them on all fronts. Their football team judging on last night will be at San Marino’s level shortly.

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The singing of the song is bad enough but what class of a ghoul would make up the song? The mind boggles.

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These scumbags are the caucus Eoghan Harris, Kevin Myers et al believe should be allowed to shape the future of Irish politics.