The north/really good looking fellas

One positive out of this vile action is that there has been universal condemnation and that the perpetrators have been named and shamed


Both extremes up there are as bad as each other.

It’s fairly unsettling to see the age profile of those involved in this horrible event. Stupid people do stupid stuff when drink is involved especially younger people but these lads should surely have a bit more cop on. Imagine a 30/40 year old thinking 'its gonna be some craic at the lodge today drinking cans of Carlsberg and singing songs about a dead Catholic girl" It’s football firm levels of immaturity and bad taste but unfortunately these lads don’t just come out to play on a Saturday afternoon

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Utter rubbish. And dangerous Stickie revisionist rubbish.


"When we insult their dead, it’s not as bad as when they insult our dead. Because, because, oh, it just isn’t, cos they’re Prods.


They’re unbelievable to ppl down here tbh
Siege mentality holding the cunts back from leaving the Neanderthal attitude behind

Doesn’t change
I was first up in 78/9 sane shite then
Same shite now
Fuckin Neanderthals

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Proper fucking loyalist scum

McElduff is a buffoon, and that shite was reprehensible.
You can’t (rightly) be disgusted by one, but ignore the other.


I don’t know flatty. McElduff was a dope, but it takes a special kind of evil to write a song like that. And more for fellas to learn it and it looks like they all know it. I don’t know. I’m pretty shocked by it. And I have seen a lot.


Must admit I just don’t understand that mindset at all. Not like she was even a public figure. Just an innocent woman who never hurt anybody. I can only assume it’s because she’s from a strong GAA family but this was 11 years ago ffs. I just can’t grasp who is coming up with songs like that. And the majority of them knew the words so this has been in circulation for a while. Mobile phones banned in lodges will all that will come from it sadly.

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Cunts will always come up with songs. Its the cultural hinterland that allows for the context. In this instance we have the lowest of what humanity has to offer. No defending it but some people will anyway just because


We hate Catholics. Everybody hates Roman Catholics.

Only non practicing Catholics can say that



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They’re all getting named and employers tagged. I see one business has a branch in Naas…. They’d only need one decent employee to make a stand!