The north/really good looking fellas

That’s because you were called Cumann na Gael at the time !

I’ve struck a nerve.

What did bombing kids and murdering women achieve since 1977?

Irish Free State mate, cut off from the Union.

SF administer British Rule in Northern Ireland and get paid handsomely for it. No wonder they have failed to advance a United Ireland in the last 25 years. It’s a cushy gig.

Nah, you’ve just exposed your hypocrisy on this subject but that’s pretty standard blueshirt carry on.

She could wear khaki jocks.

Or none ?


Would you have a pair that might fit her?

You just took their guns and turned them on your own instead


My own Council is Unionist controlled and has nothing planned. What Councils are Sinn Fein controlled?

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I do indeed. Got a pair in Tescos at the weekend.

Was their not an oath to the crown that the FF rump had an issue with?

Minority Unionist councils, correction. SF councillors are on the record trying to impede and block things happening. The good people at the Newsletter have their ear to the ground.

I expect though what we will really see now is the traditional sectarian carve up. A few quid for one side and then another later on.

Yes oath to the crown but that is a different beast to being part and parcel of the Union.

Interestingly though, within a few years of being set up FF had managed to get rid of the Oath and various other issues they had with the Treaty. Compare and contrast to Provisional SF who have failed to advance the nationalist vote and to capitalise on the demographic advance that nationalism now has. More interested in the cash on offer.

There is a big program of events in Belfast Council, which is minority Unionist. 20k subscribers to the Newsletter and falling, if it wasn’t for gullible lads like yourself it would have no purpose at all. Here is the list of events and details of grants approved for the celebration.

20k is pretty good in today’s media environment. All rather irrelevant though, the middle ground are shifting to “Northern Irish” and sticking with the Status Quo. Works well for Unionism in general.

What is the Unionist dominated council area you live in that doesn’t have any events planned?

The irony of saying SF have done nothing to further the nationalist cause…. You mean the Irish people abandoned by the oath takers and oath removers a few decades ago I take it?

It’s there in the Belfast Live link I gave you. It’s unfortunate but with public finances in such a dreadful state it’s understandable that Councils would seek to be responsible with their spending, though obviously not all Councils.

You seem very confident about sharing the same size

Yeah they have failed completely in the last 25 years. That’s on the record- nationalist vote has stagnated whilst polls and census indicators on a UI are disastrous given the demo shifts.

PSF have mostly spent that time allocating the Queen’s shilling to the various foot soldiers who got tired fighting and trying to justify the 30 year campaign. FF used the energy of the likes of Lemass and Dev in their early years to advance issues of sovereignty. Compare and contrast them being asked about the Civil War vs. the PSF commemoration of their various members. Over time FF became less agile and more about lip service over the 32 county thing- partly the circumstances and partly becoming older. Being a supporter of PSF in 2023 because of the national question is like being a FF member in the 1970s and claiming to care.

If the PSF leadership and membership were serious about a UI they would have ditched the weird branding a while ago. The focus hasn’t ever really been there. It’s all a game to keep the crèche democracy intact up there and the jobs there. Down here it is about getting power.

But you said they weren’t planning any? Which one?