The north/really good looking fellas

Another comment befitting of an eejit at pub closing time.


Yes, humans need to continue to evolve past insane ideologies, whether dreamed up by sheepherders on acid thousands of years ago, or people who still think it’s 1850.

Of all the posters here who exhibit a “religious zeal”, by far the worst and most inflexible and dogmatic (except when you contradict yourself, which is very frequently) is yourself.

I suppose it’s no surprise that your ideas are most fervently held by evangelical “Christians”.

I am the most rational poster on here by a country mile mate.

You are very intolerant of those with religious beliefs.

Your reply is absolutely consistent with your comments on that I linked to.

You are clearly a united Ireland absolutist.

United Ireland absolutists have no problem with an immediate war of extermination against Protestants and Unionists.

Because anything short of that necessitates a “however”.

Thankfully, there are pretty much none of such people in existence.

However, we look to have found one in yourself.

I’m not, I fully respect people’s right to hold religious beliefs as individuals. It is the concept, which you support, of imposing those beliefs on others I object to. That’s why I am so opposed to Islam, as in most Muslim majority countries their beliefs are imposed on everyone, and there is zero tolerance for any opposing views.

You’ve just completely contradicted yourself within three sentences.

Why weren’t Protestants exterminated during the troubles then, if there are so many of these absolutists about?

Quite amazing you can’t understand simple concepts.
Holding religious views: OK
Imposing religious views on others: Not OK

Your rhetoric on religion is one of hate. You are very intolerant of what others choose to believe in.

You started off spouting shite and went downhill from there.
Did you sift through glenshane 1,2 and 3? It’s sad to think of you trawling the Internet for someone called glenshane. But I suppose you’ve a track record etc.

Poking holes in whatever rubbish people believe in is not hate, mate.
If I might remind you, you called for the imprisonment of women who choose to end a pregnancy.
Now that’s a good example of hatred.

Women who choose to end a life?

You called for unborn babies to be killed at will.

At least one of them is

There weren’t many absolutists who were willing to wage a war of extermination against Protestants and Unionists.

There were an odd few, like Frank Aiken, Seamus Twomey and those who were behind massacres against Protestants/Unionists like Dunmanway, Coolacrease. Altnaveigh, Kingsmills and Darkley.

@glenshane seems to be of this mindset.

I know it’s impossible to educate you on this, as you have zero knowledge of human biology, but early stage abortion is not “killing unborn babies”. Nature does it all the time, it’s called a miscarriage. You should denounce your God for killing babies.

You haven’t addressed the blatant contradiction in your three sentence post.

These contradictions within two or three sentence posts by you have been growing ever more frequent of late.