The north/really good looking fellas

Have you a shred of evidence for this? Or are you just an insidious wee tramp who would rather blacken anyone who shows you for what you are?

Darkley was the work of the INLA. Socialist absolutists?

I’m pretty sure all of the mass killings you list were in retaliation for sectarian killings against Catholics, and were somewhat successful in stopping them. Horrible as they were, I don’t think it points to desire to kill all Protestants.

Point out the inconsistencies. There is nothing inconsistent about allowing people believe whatever they want and not allowing them impose their beliefs on others. Civilized societies like the one I live in do it all the time.

Nature kills people too, when a man or a woman kills a person, they usually go to jail.

It ain’t me who it is impossible to educate.

Yes. You strongly objected to my use of the word “however”. For you, there can be no “however” when the objective is a united Ireland. When there’s no “however”, the only logical follow on is that literally anything can be justified as a means to an end and any nuance, negotiation or attempts to maintain peace are a deadly enemy.

That right there is carte blanche for an immediate war of extermination against all those who oppose a united Ireland, because to shout “stop” to such would be a “however”.

I know you don’t get the logic, but I wouldn’t expect you to.

Are you saying Darkley wasn’t sectarian?

An embryo is not a human person. No civilized country bestows rights to an embryo, the Catholic church is one of the few religions which does so.

You beliefs on abortion are based on religion, and an ignorance of human biology, not logic.

You equated Islam with the imposition of beliefs on others. This is pure sectarian bullshit.

If anybody wants to impose their beliefs on others, it’s yourself - you suggested banning Islam.

No civilized country has the gun laws and culture than America has.

Killing babies and arming nutjobs with rifles seems to be your modus operandi, you nutter.

Man up

No, I’m saying it isn’t representative of the type of nationalist stereotype you are trying to promote as holding this mindset. The lads who carried out Darkley were committed socialists, you couldn’t get further from nationalists like Frank Aiken or Seamus Twomey.

Homophobic/transphobic comment.

Quit squirming. It’s utterly pathetic. Provide some evidence there

Twomey was a great man. Darkie Hughes who was a proper socialist thought the world of him.

You say I’m attempting to create a stereotype, yet you clearly haven’t read the post you refer to.

Islam is all about imposing religious beliefs on others, you complete idiot. 90% of individuals who live in Muslim majority countries, which is where the vast majority of Muslims live, belief Sharia law should be the law of the land.

How in the name of fuck does someone claiming to care about human rights defend this insane religion which imposes such intolerance? Especially towards women, who you supposedly care about.

Serious question: do you want an immediate war of extermination against anybody who opposes a united Ireland?

There’s no point arguing with somebody who has made it his life’s work to generalise and vilify an entire religion and all those who adhere to it, like you have.

That’s what actual Nazis do.

This thread has become fairly ragged… Was going to instance Isaac Butt’s career. But I doubt there would be much point.


I have read your post, it is simply wrong. There is no evidence of people “willing to wage a war of extermination against Protestants and Unionists”. You are trying to create this stereotype that doesn’t exist and pin it on extreme nationalists. The closest to it was Darkley, which was committed by Republican socialists, not nationalists.

It’s a classic straw man argument, a real one as opposed to the ones you imagine.