The north/really good looking fellas

No sid. You’ve made a fair few big claims and big statements. Back them up or apologise.
Hiding behind stupid questions won’t help you

What sectarian killings was Twomey behind?

We can add “supports extermination of Protestants” to charges of racist, homophobe, and misogynist towards everyone who disagrees with Sid. He’s really upped the ante.

Never mind he has supported killing all Jews, and supports a religion which is actually racist, homophobic and misogynistic, and supports a football team notorious for actual murder.

That statement says it all,:kissing_smiling_eyes:

Some piece of work

You don’t even know what you’re arguing aganst here.

I responded to a specific post by @glenshane, who objected to my use of the word “however” in relation to a united Ireland.

I spelled out in entirely logical, sensible terms how the objection to the use of the word “however” in relation to a united Ireland was a carte blanche for an absolutist position - that nothing should be let get in the way of the “glorious” united Ireland, that all nuance should be done away with.

The most absolutist position in favour of a united Ireland is an immediate war of extermination against anybody who opposes it.

That prospect is an utterly ludicrous and extremely dangerous one. Thankfully very, very few people hold it, almost nobody holds it, in fact.

For all but a very, very tiny number of people, there is a “however”, there is a “but”, there is nuance, there is a process to be worked through, there is negotiation to be had about what happens in the future and what form any hypothetical united Ireland takes.

I didn’t argue against a straw man - I argued against the doing away with of everything in the above paragraph that one poster called for.

Why not Kingsmills rather than Darkley, given that there was a higher death toll from that massacre?

Well then you’ll withdraw your objection to the word “however” - because as long as you hold that objection, it’s an entirely fair assessment that you do indeed favour carte blanche for the most absolutist of absolutist positions.

You were peddling lies long before that

Name them.


This business for a start. I didn’t think you had much further to sink but you managed it there

Kingsmill was absolutely retaliation, consideration the number of attacks on Catholics in south Armagh that preceded it, including six Catholics killed the night before. It was brutal but it put an end to the sectarian killings of Catholics in the area.

I would say Darkley was the closest to an actual pure sectarian killing, the retaliation aspect is a little less clear.

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Oh he can sink much further.

Lads on here seem to know or rather think they know what went on in the 6 counties- ye don’t ,also another observation that won’t go down well ref free state culture,down hear you can here ppl roaring" boys of the old brigade"- " broad black brimmer" and such in the pubs full of porter- you don’t hear this public house republicanism in the pubs in the 6 counties ( not referring to the fleadh in Belfast) plus ppl don’t discuss politics in pubs,we here might take a lesson from our Northern fellow Irishmen- hope I didn’t bust a few bubbles- food for thought.

Kingsmills, allegedly.

That ain’t a lie though, is it?

It’s amazing how the views of @glenshane and’s glenshane4 just seem to neatly overlap.

Give us an example

Have a wee look at your absolutist of all absolutist positions above that I very skilfully illustrated.

You just don’t get the implications of your views.

Darkley was 100 pc sectarian -

Nothing then.