The Official All-Ireland Senior Football Championship 2013 Thread

I fear the same , but they should handle Tyrone

Same goes for Keating

The whole myth that was put out there last year about Jim and “the system” and how revolutionary etc they were and how much shite was talked about em and how much smoke was blown up their ass (not their fault at all most of that in fairness) and there was there the bollocks that McGuiness and Gallagher came out with last week, rubbed people up the wrong way.

Everyone involved in RTE Sport will be hoping Tyrone don’t win it anyway. Imagine an All Ireland winning team refusing to deal with the national broadcaster. No interviews in the previews in the build up, no post-match reaction from players or manager and then, worst of all, they won’t get access to the traditional victory banquet either.

Keating got a lot more ball than Socks but wasted most of it. Cavan seem to have a tendency to look for Keating with almost every ball to the exclusion of everybody else.

That would be gas craic. Take that RTÉ you cunts!

Yeah, but that was fair enough, Kerry’s FB line is a bit dodge potentialy and Dunne not great to win own ball they say. More generally meant that he had reason to be pissed off getting taken off

They could talk through an intermediary, Adrian Logan perhaps, something similar to how the Garvaghy Road Residents talked to the Orange Order. Proximity coverage of the banquet. RTE could be granted access to the lobby of the hotel but not the banquet area itself.

I see where you’re coming from with your Logie suggestion but surely there’s only one man with a foot in both camps and with the credentials to resolve this. And that man is Brian Carthy.

You’d have to say.

Keating seems to suffer from a dose of David Connolly-itis. Thinks he’s far better than what he actually is and wasted a lot of ball.

Why do Tyrone have red jerseys now ?

Fuck off

What ? Why did they change them is there a reason ?

I can’t wait to see Mayo fuck it up again, preferably against Tyrone, if not, they will definitely blow the final

What colour do Monaghan wear pal?

[quote=“carryharry, post: 812536, member: 1517”]Blah blah blah, its not up to teams to set examples when it comes to fouling & making sure games are good spectacles.

Its up to the GAA as an organization to change the rules to address these issues.[/quote]
Eh that was my point.

Clash of colours, both counties have white jersies so both teams were wearing their change strips.
That seems to be the norm now, both teams change instead of one team… which is why you end up with stupid clusterfucks like the Clare v Wexford match, whree the change strips were as indistinguishable as the regular jersies.

Are you for fucking real?

He is from Clare so he could well be.