The Official All-Ireland Senior Football Championship 2013 Thread

[quote=“myboyblue, post: 813064, member: 180”]

For what its worth, Donal Vaughan has to be in there for me, and Marc O Sé, while having fuck all thrown at him yet, he will get some of the credit for closing out the Championships top scorer to date, has had a decent season at full back. He will live or die by his performance against Dublin.[/quote]
Marc O’Se even being mentioned as being in contention for a nomination this year :D:D:D

You read it here first mate. Don’t follow the herd.

Abdicate a historic definition of his primary role maybe. I’m sure he is following Horans definition! He is serious attacking threat in fairness

No… But they only ask the top successful managers. So they have cracked the code and don’t want the posts moved

Wtf? Fuck off.

saw some stats on Sean Cavanagh from Saturday -[SIZE=14px][FONT=Arial] 41 ball contacts: 4 fouls won, 24 successful passes, 2 unsuccessful, 9 shots (5 points), 1 positive turnover & 1 foul against[/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE=14px][FONT=Arial]and for comparison sakes on other midfielders from weekend:[/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE=14px][FONT=Arial]MD MacAuley - 25 ball contacts. 1 Foul won, 4 fouls against, 16 successful passes, 2 unsuccessful & 2 shots[/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE=14px][FONT=Arial]Aidan O Shea - [/FONT][/SIZE][SIZE=14px][FONT=Arial]38 ball contacts. 4 fouls against (1 technical), 4 fouls won, 26 successful passes, 2 unsuccessful & 2 blockdowns.[/FONT][/SIZE]

Think there is a bit of an over reaction to Cavanagh personally. Most have said they would do the same in the same situation, and I think that is telling. If the rules are not strong enough that it actually encourages players to deliberately foul because fouling actually gives more of an advantage to the team fouling. Its the same as time wasting and kicking the ball away. the 13 metres the ball is being brought up is not enough of a deterrent and I was disappointed not to see the 30m rule being brought in at the last congress.

I spoke about it here before, but I think a play on rule like in Aussie Rules where you can restart in any fashion you want, instead of having to reset and get players to move back 13m from you and have to kick gives an advantage to the team fouling and wasting time.

I dont think the black card will help matters coming towards the end of a game where these types of fouls are more prevalent. with 5 minutes to go, stopping a play illegally and letting a sub on your place is not exactly a big punishment.

He was put under a fair bit of pressure in the second half of the Musnter final from Hurley

My take on the whole cynical foul black card is as follows:

  • There should be a red card for professional fouls such as Cavanagh’s on McManus on Saturday.
  • What is a cynical foul? Are all fouls not cynical?
  • Yellow cards are not enough of a deterrent at present. A system of two yellow cards in successive matches means you miss the next one means that players would be genuinely worried about picking up a yellow. Hence a yellow card for cynical fouls can be adequate punishment.
  • In short, forget about black cards. It’s another layer of punishment that is just not needed.

[quote=“farmerinthecity, post: 813237, member: 24”]My take on the whole cynical foul black card is as follows:

  • There should be a red card for professional fouls such as Cavanagh’s on McManus on Saturday.
  • What is a cynical foul? Are all fouls not cynical?
  • Yellow cards are not enough of a deterrent at present. A system of two yellow cards in successive matches means you miss the next one means that players would be genuinely worried about picking up a yellow. Hence a yellow card for cynical fouls can be adequate punishment.
  • In short, forget about black cards. It’s another layer of punishment that is just not needed.[/quote]

Would basically agree with that, although I would swap the two yellows in successive matches meaning a suspension for a proper sin bin

[quote=“farmerinthecity, post: 813237, member: 24”]My take on the whole cynical foul black card is as follows:

  • There should be a red card for professional fouls such as Cavanagh’s on McManus on Saturday.
  • What is a cynical foul? Are all fouls not cynical?
  • Yellow cards are not enough of a deterrent at present. A system of two yellow cards in successive matches means you miss the next one means that players would be genuinely worried about picking up a yellow. Hence a yellow card for cynical fouls can be adequate punishment.
  • In short, forget about black cards. It’s another layer of punishment that is just not needed.[/quote]
    No Farmer, a double hop isn’t always cynical. Nor are some collisions.

The problem with suspensions for cards is that it doesn’t compensate the team who has endured the cynical fouling.

[quote=“caoimhaoin, post: 812015, member: 273”]They were not “far too good”. They were definitely better and absolutely deserved their win, but I still would not be getting carried away.

It was a test though and they stood up well, it just should have been a harder test.
Cluxton - KO’s not that grey, but they are almost a luxury Dublin have had for too long, go 1v1 and they are nullified. Still stood up well to goal chances and scored great scores. Those frees were absolutely vital to Dublin when Cork were the better team. 8/10
Kevin O Brien - Destroyed, simple as. 3/10
Rory O Carroll.- Same. 3/10
Cooper - Same 3/10
McCaffery - Brilliant, unstoppable. O Rourke is a speed merchant himself but was destroyed. Prayed in Corks weak right wing. 10/10
Brennan - Got the run around from Goulding, what would Kelly have done, we’ll never know. 4/10
James McCathy - pretty up and down battle with Collins, probably just lost it, but still made some timely interceptions and drive forward well. 7/10
Cian O Sullivan - Excellent, uses his talents to great effect and played a very smart game in Corks less mobile players. He’s got the hang of it although he will get tougher challenges from the likes of more mobile men like Buckley and Aidan O Se, Rory Kavanagh or Sean Cavanagh. 8.5/10
MDM - Excellent as usual, over Carrie the ball ad-nausea but sure he gets away with it. 9/10.
Flynn - Gone off the boil slightly but still pulled a few good tricks. Solid. 7/10
Killkenny - was well tagged by Loughrey for 60 mins but finished very strongly. Very intelligent player. 7/10
Connolly - Stone cold useless. If there are others good enough for the standard then he needs to go, he will let them down. Cork didn’t even antagonize him, imagine what any of the teams left will do to him. 2/10
Mannion - showed well, but well shackled by Clancy who was a loss when he went. 6/10
Cullen - provided a good out let for ball and was good cover for ailing full back line at times. 7/10
Brogan - Really trying hard to rediscover form but confidence is low. Shields did very well on him after he destroyed Cadogan. Big one around the corner you’d think. 7/10

Subs. Rock was excellent. Used he body well, took a score and worke hard. He needs to play ahead of Connolly is some sort of juggled forward line.

Dublin management - did a reasonable job in counter acting Corks long ball plan, but that was made easy by Corks one dimensional play. Still he has them playing good football THAT SUITS THE SKILLS THEY POSSESS. Cork could learn alot from him.

Quirke - Excellent. Brilliant save, great hands. 8.5/10
Cadogan - Dreadful year after giving up hurling. Get the feeling him and Walsh and a couple others may be looking enviously at the hurling, the way they are feted and pissed off about the coaching. They both are hanging aroun with sports science students and other county players and studying related subjects, think they may be seeing things being done better elsewhere and have kinda thrown the towel at it. He was destroyed last night, had no influence on the game at all. 2/10
Shields - Outstanding under constant pressure. Drive forward when he could trying drive on team and defended Brogan well. 8.5/10
Clancy - Excellent in his first big challenge. Dealt really well with Mannion with uncontested ball coming in. Was a loss when he went off 7.5/10
Canty - A legend and hero, sadly way way past this level, owes Cork nothing. Poor management to leave him there so long. 2/10
Loughrey - a good game, probably broke even with CK. is a permanent fixture now, will grow to be better. 7/10
Cahalane - has alot to learn. He didn’t put enough pressure on the passer at times. Lumped with taking long range frees is bizarre management, particularly after the idiocy he was subjected to in Killarney. He was marking nothing though. 6/10
Alan I Connor - Always tries hard and with Walsh in Dom beside him he I fine. Others with his lack of speed Di quite well at this level so no reason to dump him. He had a bad outing though. 3/10
Pierce O Neill - Tried hard. Corks midfielders jumped into each other an awful lot and he was as guilty as anyone. Win no breaks really. Well beaten. 4/10
Mark Collins - Played well, has a future but needs to get braver and bigger. Lovely player though, and smart. 7/10
Goulding - Good game. Centre forward may suit him to start as he needs to be involved in game. Him outside Sheehan is a good combo. Destroyed Brennan.Mental he wasn’t on all frees 7.5/10
John O Rourke - will be a star for Cork. Is hardworking half forward who will end up averaging 2-3 points a game. Couldn’t handle McCaffery though and also have him too much room. Still did some good stuff. 6/10
Hurley - Superb, a real star. Just as good as anything Dublin have. He has even become dramatically calm and assured within this season. He will be our leading man along with Sheehan. Destroyed his man 8/10
Sheehan - Awesome. He’s the most level headed guy in the squad and proved it by not letting his shabby treatment get to him. A fantastic athlete, footballer and leader. Didn’t get enough help, but should have got a penalty and at least one other free. Made 1-2 poor decisions arguably which stop him getting a 10. 9/10
Walsh - Not good. Didn’t tackle hard, didn’t chase, only picked up go forward ball. Stood and watched the play. For whatever reasons he is not enjoying his football and it shows, had no influence. 4/10

Subs - Kerrigan did nothing. Clancy did ok, Kissane did ok.

Management. Well documented here over the years what I think of them. Nice guys, good man managers, loyal, honorable etc. alot if very goo important values, but simply dreadful tactically. No tactics would suit this Cork team more, just let them go out and play. They need someone who understands their strengths and plays accordingly. I think this I a bunch of cavalier type players that would suit a more free game. You can have little defensive systems, but how about no systems or structure on attack. Just fucking attack.

Counihan has given Cork everything he has and delivered an All Ireland. But in all honesty has this Cork team played to their true potential or got the most out of themselves, I think the answer is no.

But Cork won’t go away. We have a plethora of good footballers and a new management will hopefully change things up. I hope they stop looking at “what’s going on in the game” and just concentrate on their own game an playing to their own strengths. A bit like the Dubs are doing.

Best of luck to Dubs, they are a nice team and it would be good for football were they to win it out now.[/quote]
Kev, meant to post about the Cluxton comments at the time of this post but forgot. Cluxton’s kick outs were excellent on Saturday.

Saw the stats there today, 75% of his kick outs were won by Dublin. And over 60% of those converted into shots. And only 2 were played short.

I see the evening echo printed a ridiculous photo of Dublins James McCarthy this evening. Can’t link the photo. have taken it down

[quote=“Rocko, post: 813250, member: 1”]Kev, meant to post about the Cluxton comments at the time of this post but forgot. Cluxton’s kick outs were excellent on Saturday.

Saw the stats there today, 75% of his kick outs were won by Dublin. And over 60% of those converted into shots. And only 2 were played short.[/quote]

Maybe he was referring to general play as Cluxton was untypically loose when he received the ball in open play. He gave it away on a few occasions after either catching a ball kicked in or receiving a hand pass from a defender.

yeah the clowns at Joe…could be trouble for exposing the player…

I hope to fuck that wasn’t meant to be funny!!

Perhaps Bandage. He did specifically refer to KOs which I took to mean kick outs but I expect we’ll receive a clarification from him overnight.

What happened?

Sounds like a Chris Conway moment?

I found it. I can see his willy.

I’ve put it my gallery, I’ve set restrictions on it so you need 300 posts to view it.

Ciaran Whelan highlighted that Cork played 16 high balls in to the full forward line but only won 7 of them with Dublin winning 9. Four points came off these balls in. Dublin also won five of the last six balls in showing they improved on it as the game went on. This gives a lie to the suggestion someone made above that the Dublin full back line was destroyed surely.