The Official All-Ireland Senior Football Championship 2013 Thread

[quote=“caoimhaoin, post: 813892, member: 273”]Always saw him as excellent player, he was struggling at midfield. He got hammered in the air for 2 games and his positioning in ghe ground was not good. He’s not really an Ariel threat still, but his positioning was way better and his drive was superb. He gained confidence from Alan O Connor being so stuck to the ground and took advantage.

He will get bigger tests from Buckley, although I would put him on Maher who isn’t as mobile and try and get MDM taking Buckley away from the Dublin half of the field where Buckley is dangerous.[/quote]

is buckley the real deal? …on the few occasions I saw him he doesn´t look like much to be honest…he looks fierce awkward…

Agreed. Don’t rate him at all.

Foolish to judge him on his ganglyness lads. He has a bit to go but he is a superb passer and can take a score. He has fantastic technique in fielding as well and often turns to advantage in the air. When he gets a full season of games thru his legs and adds more strength he’ll be very hard to stop.

I know of one very well known Cork football person who rates him ahead of Aidan Walsh. I would say he could be that influential.

The Dubs cleaned Cork out at midfield the last day I thought

[quote=“caoimhaoin, post: 813892, member: 273”]Always saw him as excellent player, he was struggling at midfield. He got hammered in the air for 2 games and his positioning in ghe ground was not good. He’s not really an Ariel threat still, but his positioning was way better and his drive was superb. He gained confidence from Alan O Connor being so stuck to the ground and took advantage.

He will get bigger tests from Buckley, although I would put him on Maher who isn’t as mobile and try and get MDM taking Buckley away from the Dublin half of the field where Buckley is dangerous.[/quote]

Maher is well able to get up and down the pitch. Does huge amount of work and scores too

And McAuley looks like Messi?!

Ya Maher can get around, just not at the same level as MDM or O Sullivan. He couldn’t stay with Pierce O Neill, so I see him struggling against Dublin. Moran certainly won’t have the legs.

Macauley is one of the most awkward footballers I’ve ever seen…anything can happen when he tries to solo the ball…but what has that got to do with Buckley??..

Okay but Pearse O’Neill came on at half time, twas seriously hot that day and O’Neill had freshness on Maher that day. If O’Neill started and cleaned him out (and he only did from about 55 mins) then I’d be more inclined to agree

That looking awkward doesn’t make you a bad footballer

with Kerry’s negative tactics the midfielders won’t have to get around the field kev as they’ll have so many men back to pick up the Dublin runs…‘Purists’ me bollox…Dara O se’s article the other day in irish times was bizarre to say the least…

Yeah but he is awkwardly effective. :slight_smile:

15 men in our own half several times, in the first half!!! When Cavan were shitting themselves

You’ve come in half ay through the conversation here…Kev was saying Buckley is the great at kicking points and delivering ball and would do damage in Dublin half…I was saying anytime I saw him he looked cumbersome…More Macauley like than Aiden O shea…whats the problem???

No problem at all man

Ya who cares what he looks like once he is producing. It takes a while to get past MDM’s style. I always liked him for his effort, but he has an economy of effort now and a bit more nous and positioning skills. All comes with experience really.

It’s really not looking good for Kerry. It will take a monumental Dub below par performance for them to win. Being defensive is fine, but what good will that do Kerry with a half forward line touching average age of 31-32. They can’t make it up gast enough to support Donaghy or anyone else.

If I were them I’d go far more orthodox and go for a percentage shoot out and try an h e a varying game with some long ball into full forward line. Play Moran and Donaghy in there with Declan & Darren as half forwards.

If I were Kerry I’d consider playing thi kind of formation, because if there is one thing they still possess is serious “ball” players. Tht means it doesn’t matter to alot of them what part of the field they play, they’ll usually still do the right thing. The problem for Kerry is (or inexperienced at best) backs an slowing forwards. Gooch is getting way too much credit for his performances, he’s being let have a shit load of room.



Fitzgerald. Griffen. Enright
Marc O Se
Crowley Young. Tomas O Se

  Maher.       Gooch.       Buckley

Darren O S. Walsh.

         Moran.            Donaghy

Kerry can’t make te same mistake as Cork are try to be something they are not. Ok they can’t afford a complete shoot out, but if they make it tight (ala 2009 Final) and rely on high % quality from the forwards an maybe create a goal they might, just might, give the Dubs a game. The way I have set it up is still defensive, but they have clear targets up front, support would be absolutely vital. Also they would hav 7 “backs”, guys actually skilled in defending and playing there all their lives. They would probably need 3-4 points from the 2 wing backs and another 3-4 from midfield.

Darren Sull plays for obvious reasons an I think Declan O Sull and O Donoghue with their power running could really be a weapon off the bench.

Despite the arguments here to the contray, Dublin are vulnerable to high ball inside. But it can’t be pure ignorant ball in. This is not something Kerry do anyway, it’s usually pretty measured.

Leaving Marc O Se free IS ribbing Peter to pay Paul, but if you can get him free he is creative an is obviously very smart. But he’ll get roasted by Mannion et al as much as anyone, might a well get the best of him.

Over all it is defensive, but I think it’s defensive to suit Kerry and somewhat to counteract Dublin.

[quote=“caoimhaoin, post: 814080, member: 273”]Ya who cares what he looks like once he is producing. It takes a while to get past MDM’s style. I always liked him for his effort, but he has an economy of effort now and a bit more nous and positioning skills. All comes with experience really.

It’s really not looking good for Kerry. It will take a monumental Dub below par performance for them to win. Being defensive is fine, but what good will that do Kerry with a half forward line touching average age of 31-32. They can’t make it up gast enough to support Donaghy or anyone else.

If I were them I’d go far more orthodox and go for a shoot out and try an h e a varying game with some long ball into full forward line. Play Moran and Donaghy in there with Declan & Darren as half forwards.

If I were Kerry I’d consider playing thi kind of formation, because if there is one thing they still possess is serious “ball” players. Tht means it doesn’t matter to alot of them what part of the field they play, they’ll usually still do the right thing. The problem for Kerry is (or inexperienced at best) backs an slowing forwards. Gooch is getting way too much credit for his performances, he’s being let have a shit load of room.


Fitzgerald. Griffen. Enright
Marc O Se
Crowley Young. Tomas O Se

Maher. Gooch. Buckley
Darren O S. Walsh.

Moran. Donaghy

Kerry can’t make te same mistake as Cork are try to be something they are not. Ok they can’t afford a complete shoot out, but if they make it tight (ala 2009 Final) and rely on high % quality from the forwards an maybe create a goal they might, just might, give the Dubs a game. The way I have set it up is still defensive, but they have clear targets up front, support would be absolutely vital. Also they would hav 7 “backs”, guys actually skilled in defending and playing there all their lives. They would probably need 3-4 points from the 2 wing backs and another 3-4 from midfield.

Darren Sull plays for obvious reasons an I think Declan O Sull and O Donoghue with their power running could really be a weapon off the bench.

Despite the arguments here to the contray, Dublin are vulnerable to high ball inside. But it can’t be pure ignorant ball in. This is not something Kerry do anyway, it’s usually pretty measured.

Leaving Marc O Se free IS ribbing Peter to pay Paul, but if you can get him free he is creative an is obviously very smart. But he’ll get roasted by Mannion et al as much as anyone, might a well get the best of him.

Over all it is defensive, but I think it’s defensive to suit Kerry and somewhat to counteract Dublin.[/quote]

I’d keep Declan in there, I’d drop Donaghy. They’ll need huge games from Donncha Walsh and Galvin to try and stop McCarthy and McCaffrey. Donncha could do a job on one of em, don’t think Galvo has the legs no more

For all the talk of high ball into the Dublin full-back line what did Cork actually get out of it? Sheehan was class, but where was the support? Were were the scores? Donaghy is not the Donaghy of old, some of the ball Gooch gave him was perfect for himand he let it bonce over his head. O’Donoghue ws missed v cavan, better play the game they played in the Munster final than the one they failed to play on sunday

That’s the point, Cork had part 1 of Plan A. They didn’t even have a full plan A, not to mind a plan B. cork had something like my suggested bench available which if planned and used correctly (along with better support for Hurley & Sheehan) could have caused Dublin more issues. Kerry have some form of a template there.

Galvin has been non-existent 2 games in a row. Should he get another chance? I don’t think so.

[quote=“caoimhaoin, post: 814097, member: 273”]That’s the point, Cork had part 1 of Plan A. They didn’t even have a full plan A, not to mind a plan B. cork had something like my suggested bench available which if planned and used correctly (along with better support for Hurley & Sheehan) could have caused Dublin more issues. Kerry have some form of a template there.

Galvin has been non-existent 2 games in a row. Should he get another chance? I don’t think so.[/quote]

I kinda think unless you commit to a three man inside line with decent half-forward support the the long ball is deadend. Even if you win it (and Donaghy’s not doing that so well anymore) the forward comes down to earth and there’s a few lads around him an dhe can do fuck all with him. Or otherwise full-back breaks it and corner-backs sweep up. Now if you’ve men up those battles for breaks are contested and you’ve a better chance of getting something or if when Sheehan / Donaghy wins it he can lay it off it’s a different story, but what manager will commit that many to attack?